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Check the Non-Subsidized Electricity Tariff Groups whose prices will be more expensive Page all

JAKARTA, KOMPAS.com – The Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (ESDM) plans to increase electricity tariffs for non-subsidized PLN tariff class in July 2022.

Currently, there are 13 groups of PLN customers charged non-subsidized electricity rates. This is the group that will be affected by the increase in electricity rates.

Non-subsidized electricity class consists of various segments, ranging from household electricity, big business electricity, large industrial electricity, government electricity, to special service electricity.

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The following are 13 groups of non-subsidized PLN customers in full:

  • Households, including 5 groups, namely R-1/TR 900 VA-RTM, R-1/TR 1,300 VA, R-1/TR 2,200 VA, R-2/TR 3,500 VA to 5,500 VA, and R-3/TR 6,600 VA and above (household electricity rates).
  • Big Business, includes 2 groups, namely B-2/TR 6,600 VA to 200 kVA and B-3/TM above 200 kVA (big business electricity tariff).
  • Large Industry, includes 2 groups, namely 2 I-3/TM above 200 kVA and I-4/TT 30,000 kVA and above (large industrial electricity tariff).
  • The government includes 3 groups, namely P-1/TR 6,600 VA to 200 kVA, P-2/TM above 200 kVA, and P-3/TR (government agency electricity rates).
  • Special Services, there is only 1 group, namely 1 L/TR, TM, TT (special electricity rates).

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As for electricity tariff per kWh The current regulations are different for each class of non-subsidized PLN customers.

The following is a list of currently applicable electricity rates:

  1. Group R-1/ Low Voltage (TR) 900 VA power, Rp 1,352 per kWh.
  2. Group R-1/TR power 1,300 VA, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  3. Group R-1/ TR 2,200 VA power, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  4. Group R-2/ TR 3,500-5,500 VA power, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  5. R-3/ TR group power 6,600 VA and above, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  6. Group B-2/ TR power 6,600 VA-200 kVA, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  7. Class B-3/ Medium Voltage (TM) with power above 200 kVA, IDR 1,114.74 per kWh.
  8. Group I-3/ TM power above 200 kVA, Rp 1,114.74 per kWh.
  9. Group I-4/ High Voltage (TT) with a power of 30,000 kVA and above, Rp. 996.74 per kWh.
  10. Group P-1/ TR power 6,600 VA-200 kVA, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  11. Group P-2/TM with power above 200 kVA, Rp. 1,114.74 per kWh.
  12. Group P-3/ TR for public road lighting, Rp 1,444.70 per kWh.
  13. Class L/TR, TM, TT, IDR 1,644.52 per kWh.

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Plans to increase electricity rates

The Director General of Electricity at the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources, Rida Mulyana, said that the planned increase in electricity rates had been agreed with the Budget Agency (Banggar) of the DPR RI.

Moreover, since 2017 the electricity tariff for non-subsidized customers has never been adjusted. He explained that electricity tariff adjustments are expected to occur in the third quarter or fourth quarter of 2022.

This is because the government has decided that in the first quarter there will be no tariff adjustment, while in the second quarter it is estimated that there will be no tariff adjustment because it is still in a state of the Covid-19 pandemic with a new variant, Omicron.

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“For the first quarter, it has been determined not to increase (electricity rates). For the second, third, and fourth quarters it has not been determined, but most likely if I estimate with Omicron it won’t be in the second quarter. We can consider the third and fourth quarters (adjustment of electricity rates) ,” he said in a virtual press conference, Tuesday (18/1/2022).

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