If you’re planning to buy a used car, there are two things you need to check right away: seats and belts. Here’s what you need to know
Today as today, the price increases have touched almost every area of our life. Fuels have reached the stars, forcing us to spend a lot of money on a full tank of cars, necessary to go to work. The same goes for bills, which have forced many Italian families to reduce their consumption and extra expenses. And what about the automotive market? Who needs a new car often resorts to the used market: If you’re also thinking about this option, here’s what you need to know.
Buying a used car can allow you to save a lot of moneywhile ensuring a quality product. Often, in fact, great bargains can be found: almost new machines which, after a few years and a few kilometres, are put up for sale at advantageous prices. If you too are thinking about such a purchase, here’s what you need to know: check it right away.
Used car? Don’t underestimate the check of seat belts and seats: here’s why
When buying a used car, often we focus on the external state of the bodywork and on the engine. Any scratches or stamps further reduce the sale price and, at times, can act as a discriminator with respect to the purchase or not of that particular vehicle. in reality, however, these are not the only aspects to check: even the seats and seat belts they are very important.

Looking at the seats, in fact, you will be able to understand the state of maintenance of the car: the fabric must not be dirty, worn or laundered and there must be no burns from, for example, cigarette use. If the car has few kilometers declared, too Seats must be near new: coherence between these two aspects, therefore, is fundamental. Then test its comfort and structure, as well as the functionality of the tilt and lumbar stiffness mechanisms, if any.
As for the belts, they must be checked specifically. Unroll the tape and release it, checking that everything works correctly: if the buckle does not return to its place, it means that the reel has been used a lot. The belt attachments must be perfectly functional and well cared for: check that this is the case. Also test the presence of the locking mechanismwho must intervene immediately: this is essential in the event of an accident.
2023-05-09 09:00:26
#car #check #seats #belts #essential #Grantennis #Tuscany