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Check quickly! Dengue fever risk group and effective prevention methods | Daily News

So who is considered to beDengue fever risk group And what is the way to prevent this disease? Let’s see the answer!

What causes dengue fever?
Dengue fever is caused by the dengue virus (Dengue virus), which has 4 strains: 1, 2, 3, and 4. The mechanism of disease is when a female Aedes mosquito bites a person who has the dengue virus in circulation. blood Causes the virus to enter the mosquito’s salivary glands. When you go to bite the next person The virus enters the bloodstream and spreads throughout the body. The virus causes inflammation of the blood vessels. bleed and may cause various organs to fail.

Check quickly! Dengue fever risk group
Anyone can be infected with dengue fever. However, there are people who are at risk for dengue fever who are more likely to be infected, including:

  • Young children because their bodies have less immunity to the dengue virus than adults and the elderly.
  • People who live in areas where Aedes aegypti are prevalent, such as rural areas, slum communities, and areas with standing water.
  • People who work or live in places with standing water, such as gardens, forests, factories.
  • People who have recently returned from countries where dengue fever is prevalent This is because the body may contain the strain of dengue virus found in that country.

How to effectively prevent dengue fever
The best way to prevent dengue fever is to prevent mosquito bites. This can be done easily as follows.

  • Eliminate breeding grounds for Aedes mosquitoes, such as containers filled with standing water and various materials in the shade. Change the water in flower vases, plant pots, water tanks, and other containers with standing water once a week.
  • Always keep the house clean. Do not have damp corners that are breeding grounds for mosquitoes.
  • Apply mosquito repellent to the skin. Especially around the arms, legs, and neck.
  • Wear clothing that prevents mosquito bites, such as long-sleeved clothing, long pants, and light-colored clothing.
  • Vaccination against dengue fever which is effective in reducing the severity of the disease
  • Repair roofs and water pipes so that water does not accumulate until it becomes a breeding ground for Aedes mosquitoes.

Symptoms of dengue fever generally appear 4-7 days after infection, whether you are at risk for dengue fever or not. If you have these symptoms You should immediately see a doctor.

  • Acute high fever 38-40 degrees Celsius
  • Headache, body aches muscle pain
  • Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite
  • conjunctivitis
  • There are spots of bleeding on the skin. nosebleed Scurvy

If you have dengue fever and do not receive timely treatment Serious complications such as hemorrhagic shock may occur. acute kidney failure acute liver failure and may cause death

If you are a group at risk for dengue fever Be sure to strictly follow the instructions above. To help prevent dengue fever effectively.

2023-11-24 05:27:00

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