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Check Cross Mutations, LBM Eijkman Targets Detection of 5,000 Viruses

Jakarta, Beritasatu.com – Head of the Institute for Molecular Biology (LBM) Eijkman, Amin Soebandrio said, to know viral mutation new in Indonesia, it has been a long time since his party has detected virus mutations. This activity was carried out prior to the Covid-19 virus in Indonesia.

LBM Eijkman targets that in 2021, it will at least detect 5,000 viruses in Indonesia. “Of course, if this is compared to the UK it is still very small, but this can easily help provide molecular information on what viruses are already circulating in Indonesia,” said Amin at a hearing with the House of Representatives Commission IX which discussed the results of research and innovation the framework of “Controlling Covid-19 and Red and White Vaccines” at the DPR RI Building, Jakarta, Wednesday (3/2/2021).

Amin added, LBM Eijkman in collaboration with the Health Research and Development Agency (Balitbangkes) of the Ministry of Health (Kemkes) targets this year to reach 10 thousand viruses.

Furthermore, Amin said, other things would be done at LBM Eijkman, namely conducting studies to study viruses and their genetic background. “So we see besides the genetic characteristics of the virus, we also study the genetic background of the Indonesian people. Then linked to genetics subsubility of the Indonesian people against the virus, “he explained.

Amin explained that this study was carried out because of the fact that people who are exposed to the virus are in the same situation, but with different conditions, namely there are people with no symptoms (OTG), mild symptoms, and severe symptoms.

“Maybe there are genetic factors behind it. We will study it so that it can help policy makers to determine what we should do to take specific prevention and treatment, ”he said.

Source: BeritaSatu.com

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