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Chechnya. Ramzan Kadyrov hospitalized in Moscow, suspected coronavirus. Sport

Chechen leader Ramzan Kadyrov, 43, was hospitalized in Moscow Thursday May 21, 2020, suspected of being sick with new coronavirus, Russian agencies reported, the latest case from a senior Russian official infected with the disease.

Ramzan Kadyrov was flown to Moscow, the coronavirus is suspected. He is under observation of doctors, a medical source told the state agency TASS, describing his condition as stable.

For Kadyrov, we suspect the coronavirus, it is under observation, also said a Moscow medical source to Interfax, while the public agency Ria Novosti reported the hospitalization of the 43-year-old Chechen official.

Authorities in Chechnya did not comment on the news, saying in the Russian media that their leader was leading efforts to fight the epidemic.

Several senior Russian leaders have been infected with coronavirus

Other senior Russian officials have fallen ill in recent weeks.

The Prime Minister of Russia Mikhail Michoustin has just returned to work after almost three weeks in hospital. Dmitri Peskov, the spokesperson for Vladimir Putin, is hospitalized and several ministers have also been infected.

Unpredictable, reputed for his rantings and suspected by his critics of having ordered the assassinations of detractors, Ramzan Kadyrov has multiplied threatening declarations to impose confinement in Chechnya and silence the critics.

In April he threatened a journalist from the opposition newspaper Novaya Gazeta for an article which reported that Chechens with coronavirus disease were reluctant to seek help from under-equipped hospitals, fearing punitive measures and reprisals by the security forces.

The Chechen leader also publicly proclaimed that those who did not isolate themselves should be you are, comparing the Chechens who contaminate others with terrorists.

The last controversial statement to date, earlier this week, he demanded the dismissal of Chechen caregivers, provocative according to him, who had complained about the lack of means of protection against the new coronavirus.

An autocratic leader in Chechnya

Ramzan Kadyrov ruled Chechnya with the strength of Vladimir Putin’s protection. Long red beard and boxer build, he manages this territory as his personal stronghold, endowed with his own army of loyalists.

He was placed at the head of this small Russian predominantly Muslim Caucasian republic by Vladimir Putin in 2007, three years after the death in a bomb attack of his father Akhmad Kadyrov, the first pro-Kremlin president of Chechnya.

Chechnya officially has 1,026 detected cases of new coronavirus since the start of the epidemic in Russia, including 11 deaths.

In total, Russia has 317,554 identified infected and 3,099 dead.

Critics, however, question the reality of the low death rate compared to Western Europe or the United States, accusing Russia of underestimating the death toll.

Authorities have dismissed the charges, saying they only list deaths whose primary cause is coronavirus, when other countries include almost all of the deaths of patients who test positive in the report.

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