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Cheapest mobile subscription, September 2022 – Big price differences

DinSide checks the prices of Norwegian mobile subscriptions every quarter, and this time we easily went through all 121 subscriptions offered to most people, to see what the various operators offer at what price.

Since the last price check in June, no mobile operator has come in or out and, strictly speaking, there have been no major price changes either. But there is still a lot of money to be saved by choosing the right one.

We have divided it into three and examined which operator offers you the most for NOK 200, NOK 300 and with an unlimited amount respectively. As usual, we’ve only looked at prices that apply to everyone, and not if you’re under the age of 30, have other products from the same company, want a membership for several family members, and the like. Furthermore, in the tables we do not take into consideration any additional services you get as a customer.

Mostly under 200 crowns

Let’s start with the cheapest subscriptions. Here’s what practitioners offer if you have a pain threshold of NOK 200:

Like last time, there is no one to criticize Nicemobil in this category, which offers 10GB of mobile data, with rollover, for NOK 200 per month. The company is the subsidiary of Ice and previously only offered subscriptions with an eSIM (non-physical SIM card), but has since allowed customers to use physical SIM cards as well. Here you get 10x more Talkmore data by paying an extra crown.

Note that Happybytes comes in second Not offers the rollover of its 8 GB, or where unused data disappears at the end of the month.

* More expensive mobile data can be found with MyCall, which charges NOK 199 for 500MB (0.5GB), but it is worth noting that this subscription includes free use of SMS / MMS to all over the world and free calls to all EU countries, Great Britain, the United States and Canada. This makes it a bit of an apple versus pear comparison on this farm. Likewise, other MyCall subscriptions in the tables below also apply.

Mostly under 300 crowns

If we add a hundred more, we get a lot of extra data – we think a lot of people will get away with the cheapest subscriptions we can find in the table below:

Here we cannot avoid some stars:

* The Happybytes subscription at the top of the table is their “1 per day” subscription, which briefly gives you 1GB of data each day. Here you can get up to 31GB in total during the month, as you use the daily gigabyte. But you can’t save the data overnight – the counter resets every midnight. If you need more data one day, you can buy an extra gigabyte for NOK 19, which lasts until midnight.

Among the more traditional subscriptions, we find 30 “normal” gigabytes of the same operator for 298 NOK and 30 GB of Chilimobil for an extra NOK. Here, however, it’s important to note the last column: while Chilimobil gives you the rollover, so that unused data is carried over to the next month, you don’t get it on the Happybytes subscription. That difference is worth the extra crowns, if you ask us.

So we end up giving the cheapest medal to both Happybytes’ 1-a-day and Chilimobil’s 30 GB subscription.

Big price differences

Big price differences

** Note that Vipps, as the only player, allows you to save more than your subscription data quota – up to 1000GB. Other operators have a maximum limit of saved data equal to what you entered in the subscription, so you can start a month with at most double the data.

The most expensive

We usually set the limit at NOK 500 in the third table, but as this time we were just as happy to include all subscriptions, we refrained from setting a maximum limit this time.

Here, there are several players offering unlimited data, starting at NOK 349 per month. These subscriptions give you around 100GB of maximum speed (which may be limited) before the speed is reduced to 3Mbps. Still enough to do most things on the phone, like watching Netflix or whatever.

If you manage with a speed of 10 Mbps, you can get by cheaper with Chilimobil’s standard free data subscription. Here you get a speed of 10 Mbps for the first 100 GB you use, before the speed is eventually reduced to 3 Mbps. The subscription also includes 33 GB for use within the EU / EEA.

Big price differences

If you don’t want to be limited in terms of speed, you get 108 “fast” gigabytes on Happybytes for NOK 398 per month, before the speed is reduced to 3 Mbps. However, this subscription is the one that gives you less EU data than free data subscriptions. .

* in the table indicates that the subscription has some high-speed data before it is reduced to 3Mbps. Note that this also applies to Telenor’s 15GB subscription. None of these subscriptions have a rollover on “fast” data.

For the record: Plussmobil is owned by Aller, who also owns Dagbladet and DinSide.

How slow is 3 Mbps?

If you are considering a free data subscription and wonder how slow it will be if you run out of data quota, we have created a handy calculator below:

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