There are hundreds and hundreds of great anime, from classics, to brutal emerging products, and others that are underrated. Deciding which is the best anime in history is a complicated decisionthat is why I have decided to ask the AI, which is now in fashion.
Chat GPT is supposed to be all-knowing, so you might know what the best anime ever is, according to Chat GPT, at least. In this article I tell you about my experience talking with this intelligent program, let’s see what is your opinion regarding this complicated question.
Chat GPT also doubts and has a hard time deciding which is the best anime in history
The question has been very simple: “What is the best anime in history?”, to which Chat GPT has answered me the following:
I transcribe it for you in case it doesn’t look quite right:
There is no single “best anime” in history, as this is highly subjective and depends on each individual’s personal taste. However, there are several anime that have been widely acclaimed and considered to be classics or influential in the industry. Some of the most prominent include:
Neon Genesis Evangelion
Cowboy Bebop
Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
Death Note
Attack on Titan
One Piece
Dragon Ball / Dragon Ball Z
Spirited Away (Spirited Away) and other Studio Ghibli films
Ghost in the Shell
It is worth mentioning that there are many other exceptional and cult anime that could also be considered among the best, but this depends on the personal opinion and preferences of each person.
GPT Chat Response
In my opinion, it is a fairly generic list that any anime expert could give, although I admit that it is a good point that it admits that Shingeki No Kyojin, the youngest anime of all those mentioned there, is in the noble zone of the top. On the other hand, I am not surprised that Naruto, One Piece or Dragon Ball are there, since we can consider them the classics among the classics.

In the end, not even artificial intelligence can manage to confirm which is the best anime ever, which is something that, we must admit, is a very complicated debate. What is the best anime for you?
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