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ChatGPT with 10 million daily users has been banned from writing scientific articles

ChatGPT from OpenAI took the whole world by storm. After just 40 days of being released to the general public, this AI system has seen 10 million users every day. The social network Instagram took 355 days to do the same. But the system has already seen some interesting successes and controversies. It was recently discovered that he could MBA written exams (and not only you), but the originality of the texts becomes a big problem. ChatGPT has already written several scientific articles that can often appear quite credible, which can be a problem especially if this information is withheld. However, some scientists use the system officially, and ChatGPT is among the co-authors. Publishing platforms such as Springer Nature or Elsevier have already banned such a thing.

According to Magdalena Skipper from Nature, the authors of the article do not only write the text itself, but also fulfill other roles within the research, such as designing experiments, conducting them and explaining the measured results. However, AI is not included in these roles (or should not be), and thus, according to her, the right should not be included among the co-authors. However, he admits that the system can be very useful for writers for whom English is not their primary language. After all, even Elsevier has made it known that it allows the use of AI to improve the readability of an article, but not to interpret data or draw scientific conclusions.

It can also be a big problem in education at other levels. ChatGPT can write different essays and it is not always easy to prove whether the real author was the student or the AI. However, Jeffrey Duerk of the University of Miami admits that ChatGPT can be a good tool for explaining an issue “in your own words”, which can be more understandable than a simple link to a web page. At the same time, there is a risk that the AI ​​will explain it incorrectly. Factual errors are not uncommon. It was explicitly banned, for example, at the French university Sciences Po.

Of other interesting things about this system, we can mention that Congressman Ted Lieu had ChatGPT generate a bill to regulate artificial intelligence systems. It should be added here that Lieu has a degree in computer science and has spoken out several times that unregulated AI can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences.

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