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ChatGPT access is now instant. You no longer need an account to use it.

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Calvin Wankhede / Android Authority


  • ChatGPT no longer requires users to create an account.
  • Those who don’t hold an account will now be able to use the chatbot instantly.
  • However, users won’t get access to some features if they choose to use the service without signing up.

OpenAI has announced that ChatGPT users no longer need to create an account to use the service. That’s right, ChatGPT is now instantly available to anyone who wants to try out the chatbot.

Of course, the experience will be quite different if you don’t create an account to use ChatGPT. For instance, you won’t be able to save or review your chat history, share chats, and use additional features like voice conversations and custom instructions. You get aly if you choose to create an account before using the chatbot.

OpenAI says it can use your conversations with ChatGPT to improve its models. However, you can turn this off through the settings, whether you create an account or not.

“We’ve also introduced additional content safeguards for this experience, such as blocking prompts and generations in a wider range of categories,” the company announced.

So if you still haven’t tried out ChatGPT because you didn’t want to set up an account, you can now do so without signing up.

#ChatGPT #access #instant #longer #account
– 2024-04-02 17:20:11

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