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Chartres: work has resumed to enlarge the court, delivery scheduled for autumn 2020

This subject comes up so much in Chartraine news that we hardly expected to see the end of it one day: the court will finally get bigger. Admittedly, the solution is only transitory but it has the merit of existing for Michel Besseau, director of the court registry since the beginning of 2020 and who is responsible for supervising the work.

Frozen during confinement, they started on May 18. “They should be completed during the summer. We should be able to integrate the new premises in early fall“, rejoices Michel Besseau.

The premises in question are those of the Eurélium, this departmental council building located in the city center of Chartres, located 200 m from the tribunal de grande instance. A five-year lease was signed by Justice to dispose of the premises.

Prevent litigants from throwing their chair

The works are short because they are purely technical developments offices and four courtrooms, one large and three small, in order to meet certain criteria: for example, everything must be fixed to prevent the litigant from throwing the chair at the judge.

A trench has been opened to bring the secure fiber to the Eurelium, and allow to work on dematerialized files. “We want to set up a real modernization (with the dematerialization of procedures, adapted premises) while keeping a human public service“, insists Michel Besseau.

The Ministry of Justice has set up single justice reception services (SAUJ) supposed to be present in all jurisdictions. We could not install it in Chartres, because we did not have the necessary square meters. With the deployment to the Eurélium, there will be a SAUJ“, he announces.

There will also be an office to give the necessary information on how to get your driver’s license.“Human contact is all the more important for the registrar, while everything goes paperless for driver’s licenses and registration cards. Not to mention the phone:”The Chartrains groan because we do not respond. But our standard does not work. We will have a modern standard during the summer. “

“Even with the Eurélium, we will run out of space”

If modernization is eagerly awaited, the problem of the lack of space persists in particular with the rules of physical distance due to the Covid-19. “The coronavirus crisis has revealed that we are sorely lacking in square meters, and even with the Eurelium, we will be in need of space“, analyzes Michel Besseau. This five-year transitional solution will allow time to find a more sustainable one.For the moment, there are no other projects. The Ministry of Justice is studying the possibility of installing a modern court on the site of the former prison, next to the current court. Studies will start“, he explains

But he ensures that the lines of work will be radically different from the project for a judicial city presented during the visit of the Keeper of the Seals Nicole Belloubet in January 2019, who had suffered some time later the refusal of the mayor Jean-Pierre Gorges.

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