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Chartres wins without firing a shot in Avignon (67-88)

At the end of the season without a stake, without a play-off and without a second phase, the Chartrains, deprived of a rise in ProB, recovered, Saturday March 27, in papal land, by winning quietly against the US Avignon-Le Pontet, 88 to 67.

The first leg against Avignon

The Chartrains, driven by assistant Guillaume Le Pape – coach Sébastien Lambert, suspended, followed the match from the stands – built his success in the second quarter thanks to a 19-0 (19-24 then 19-43 , 17 ‘).

Chartres will try to confirm, Tuesday March 30, with the reception of the Isérois de Pont-de-Chéruy.


AVIGNON (Vaucluse). Chartres beats Avignon 88 to 67 (half time: 28-47) (quarter time: 17-22, 11-25, 16-19, 23-22). Arbitrators: MM. Esfih and Marangoni. Match played behind closed doors.
Avignon : Zero (2), Bourcier (9), Bernaoui (8), Lydeca (8), Pryor (7) then Bonomini (0), Mendy (7), Henocq (12), Djo Ebala (2), Courcier (12) .
40% success on shots (28/70) including 21% at 3 points (6/28). 83% on free throws (5/6). 32 rebounds (Mendy, 8). 11 fouls.
Chartres : Maxwell (15), Ammour (11), Romain (0), Siegwarth (17), Diarra (16) then Munanga (13), Chelle (10), Doumbia (2), Békoulé (0), Clerence (4).
57% success on shots (37/64) including 38% at 3 points (5/13). 81% on free throws (9/11). 38 rebounds (Ammour, 10). 13 fouls.
Difference : +27 for Chartres (39-66, 28 ‘).

Jean-André Provost

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