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Chartres: studious atmosphere at Lycée Marceau for the launch of the bac philosophy test

7:55 a.m., this Thursday, June 17. Amandine, a final year student at Lycée Marceau, in the lower town of Chartres, rushes through the establishment’s gate to reach her examination room. “I’m a little stressed, even though I had an average of 14 in philosophy during the year,” says the candidate crossing the courtyard.

Like 3,142 other Euréliens, this high school student is preparing to take her baccalaureate philosophy test, the only one maintained with the grand oral, because of the health context.

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A few minutes later, in a classroom with wide open windows, the principal of Lycée Marceau, Yann Massina, presents one of the candidates with the envelope containing the subjects of philosophy and asks him to check that it is properly closed.

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Under the eyes of Evelyne Mège, academic director of the national education services in Eure-et-Loir, the envelope is then unsealed. Once the sheets have been distributed, the candidates, who are only about fifteen per room to respect the distance, can then choose one subject out of the four proposed, instead of the usual three.

“It was important to be able to maintain this test of philosophy. It is a strong symbol. At a time when we are more and more in the culture of the tweet or the Instagram post, it is essential that the students can think and argue. It’s been a special year, but the high school kids have been well prepared. “

Evelyne Mège (Academic Director of National Education Services in Eure-et-Loir)

The stake of this test is less important this year, after the adjustments decided by the Ministry of National Education. The best mark will be retained, between that obtained in the test and that of the continuous assessment.

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But no question of skipping the exam. “You must have returned your copy. It’s mandatory, ”insists Yann Massina, who welcomes the 389 final year students of his establishment for this philosophy test and a candidate from the Amiens academy.

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“We have a top athlete. He passes the bac this morning and this afternoon, he will be at L’Odyssée to participate in the French swimming championships ”, underlines the principal.

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At 8:40 a.m., a latecomer entered the establishment with a good excuse, since his car broke down on the road. “It’s good, he was able to reach his examination room,” assures Yann Massina who will scan the 390 copies himself. These will be corrected online. Applicants will have to wait until July 6 to know their grade.

Helene Bonnet

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