They arrived at the sports hall under a guard of honor and the loud applause of sixty children from the handball clubs of Bonneval, Châteaudun, Brou, Voves and the Sports Association of the Albert-Sidoisne college. On the eve of their departure for Nîmes, the players of C’Chartres MHB carried out decentralized training at Bonneval, this Wednesday afternoon.
It was Arnaud Boissière, the president of the Bonnevalais Handball-club, taken over on September 14 by a new management team, who had requested the welcome of the professional team, at the end of 2021. is only happiness”, he welcomed, hoping “to create a momentum for next season to recruit young players”.
Soon in Champhol and Illiers-Combray
Divided into two teams (orange and blue), the Chartrains quickly found their bearings in the room and were able to refine their automation, under the eye of Toni Gerona, who counted the goals.
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The one-and-a-half-hour session, with no physical glitches to be deplored, ended with a signing session. It will be renewed by the end of the month in Champhol and Illiers-Combray, “as part of an agreement with the Departmental Council”, specified the general manager, Philippe Besson.
Sveltin Dimitrov after the success of Chartres on Cesson-Rennes: “A victory that is good for the head”