Chartres Métropole wants your opinion on the development of commercial activities in the agglomeration. (©Illustration / Pixabay)
Which businesses should arrive in the agglomeration? What place should the craft industry have on the territory of Chartres metropolis? How to revitalize the centers while continuing to develop poles of attractiveness?
The community council of the agglomeration of Chartres (Eure-et-Loir) needs the opinion of the locals! Until November 5, 2021, all citizens are invited to answer a questionnaire for the development of the new Commercial and Handicraft Development Document, the DAAC.
This document must lay down the rules of development of craft and commercial activities for the next twenty years “in terms of housing, transport, economy, environment, major facilities”, indicates Chartres Métropole.
Meeting new consumer expectations
The objective is to take into account recent developments in the local context, namely:
- to develop trade and crafts in a balanced way;
- preserve the commercial and artisanal balance of the agglomeration;
- strengthen the attractiveness and identity of the poles;
- and reinforce the commercial and artisanal offer of the centralities.
“Adapting commerce to new consumer expectations is one of the issues that remains at the heart of elected officials’ concerns,” explains Didier Garnier, vice-president of Chartres Métropole in charge of economic development and promotion on the agglomeration site. .
The questionnaire is accessible here.
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