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Chartres Ecology calls for a rally in support of the Ukrainian people

“Chartres ecology calls on all Chartres and Chartrains to come and show their support for the Ukrainian people, this Saturday, February 26, at 5 p.m., place des épars in Chartres”, announced this Friday, Quentin Guillemin, opposition municipal councilor in Chartres.

“Génération Écologie strongly condemns this illegal action launched by Vladimir Putin. What is being played out in Ukraine today is the expression of an attack on democracy and of an expansionist will. Our first thoughts go to the Ukrainian people, to whom we show our full support”, underlines the one whose companion is of Ukrainian nationality.

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Thursday evening, Quentin Guillemin wanted to speak at the start of the Chartres municipal council to discuss the Ukrainian crisis: “I would like to make an opening statement in support of the Ukrainian people”, but was immediately stopped by the mayor, Jean- Pierre Gorges.

“It’s not a platform”

“No, no, sir. You’re not doing this here for a simple thing. There is a presidential election. There are candidates who have taken different positions. So that (Editor’s note: the municipal council) cannot be a platform for that. Anyone could ask for the floor to answer you. And we organize a debate? »

“It’s not a platform,” said Quentin Guillemin. In the text sent to the press by Quentin Guillemin that he had to read in council. He proposed to debate on the way to “offer to the Chartrains to show our solidarity with the Ukrainian people”.

Francois Feuilleux

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