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Charlotte Kalla Returns to the Ski Trails for Stafettvasan after Retirement

Charlotte Kalla put her skis on the shelf in 2022 after a long career with several Olympic and World Cup medals.

Since then she has not participated in any ski race.

But in a month it will be time for Kalla to run the first stretch over 24 kilometers in the Stafettvasan, which is part of the Vasalopps week.

– Crazy that it will be the relay, which was my absolute favorite during my career. It is far but also possible. It will be wonderful to go with a lot of other people, she says.

Exercising with the son

Kalla practices a lot of skating with her son Alvin in a ski cart. In terms of classical skating, training has been more sporadic.

– If it had been a skating class, I would probably have been stronger than many others, but classically there hasn’t been much this year. It’s a bit difficult to find time to go out all by myself without my son in tow.

Striking was never an option.

– No absolutely not. I will drive with bracket. I’m not strong enough to stake 24 kilometers.

Anyone hoping to see Kalla participate in races regularly in the future will be disappointed.

– No, you won’t. Not on the ski trail and not anywhere else either, I think. But it is a little special to have a goal to aim for and a little easier to find the time to exercise. I hope that I and the others in the team can inspire others to give space to training in everyday life.

Winter profiles in the team

The team also includes active athletes Walter Wallberg (humped piste) and Jesper Tjäder (freeskiing) as well as former alpinists Hans Olsson and Maria Pietilä Holmner.

– I am extremely grateful that Walter and Jesper, who are in the middle of their careers and competition season, want to take on the challenge, says Kalla.

2024-02-01 07:25:37
#Sports #Charlotte #Kalla #competes #runs #Relay #Vase

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