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Charlotte Gainsbourg: her life in New York, her children … the actress confides

Charlotte Gainsbourg is doing better, much better. Expatriate to New York after the death of her sister, Kate Barry, the actress has chosen to change her life and enjoy the anonymity offered to her by the American capital. “Here, when people recognize me, it’s for a movie I shot, not for my parents“, she explains to the magazine IT.I’m very proud of them, so I say it with a grimace, but it’s still a bit heavy sometimes, this heritage. And to feel that I, too, made something of my life, it’s quite delicious.”

At 44, she chose to focus on her children, embarked on this American adventure. “You know, I don’t have a rich social life (…), I have two friends in Paris and that’s it. Here, I only focused on my children: taking them to American school, preparing their lunch. For them, it is an incredible experience.

Charlotte Gainsbourg, full-time mother and actress

But she did not put her career on hold. This summer, we will find her in her first blockbuster, “Independance Day: Resurgence”, on the set of which she had a lot of fun. “It was so funny to have these kinds of fake pistols and special devices in your hands! We feel like a kid.”

These days, it is in Budapest, Hungary, that she is filming “The Promise of the Dawn” with Pierre Niney. Another project for the actress, who will also release a new album in the fall. Decidedly, this new life in the big apple gave him a boost of energy. The one we discovered the new short haircut recently promises to surprise us, again and again.

Find the full interview in ELLE magazine, currently on newsstands.

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