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Charlie Gnocchi’s talk – Big Brother VIP

Immediately after dinner, if some VIPs decide to gather in the courtyard to kick off a game of poker, on the veranda Charlie puts on a talk show. The comedian gathers all his companions around him and asks them to answer the random questions that he will draw from his personal and original deck of cards.

The first questions concern the previous love affairs experienced by the VIPs, but that’s not all: intrigued, the comedian asks his roommates to explain the characteristics they are looking for in the man or woman they date or would like to date.

After having received all the answers, the talk continues and the questions begin to deal with other topics as well. “Is family everything or does it sometimes not make us make the choices we want?” he asks. If on one hand Patricia she admits that it is thanks to her family that she has managed to achieve all her goals, Will be And Nikita they say they have experienced moments of difficulty precisely because of their parents who do not agree with their choices.

The last question is addressed to George: “How foreseeable in what could happen?”. According to the tiktoker, it is precisely the choices made in the course of life that influence one’s future. “I believe that life is full of unpredictable things and the unexpected” adds Onestini who, in agreement with Patrizia e Antonellahe thinks that despite having encountered obstacles, he has always tried to grasp only the positive side to improve his present and his future.

Between chatter, curiosities and gossip, this is how the moment of confidences ends.

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