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Charles will inherit the “cursed crown” and the men who possess it will not escape misfortune | International | Sanli News Network SETN.COM

Reported by the International Center / Lin Yunxuan

▲ The new king of England is succeeded by Charles III and will inherit the “Crown of Queen Elizabeth” with a fatal curse. (Photo / The Royal Family Facebook)

Queen Elizabeth II of the United Kingdom has died at the age of 96. Her state funeral will be held at Westminster Abbey on the 19th of her and she will be succeeded by her son Charles of hers, who will be crowned King Charles III of the United Kingdom. of items, including the “Crown of Queen Elizabeth” with a deadly curse.

Produced in 1937, the Queen Elizabeth Crown was the crown worn by Queen Elizabeth The Queen Mother as the wife of George VI. The crown is in platinum and the cross on the front is set with the “Koh-i-Noor”, the largest Indian diamond in the world with over 100 carats. The crown is now enshrined in the Tower of London. This crown is considered “a place where the men of the royal family avoid her”, and it is said that after wearing it she will be cursed and 400 years have witnessed many tragedies.

According to Reader’s Digest, Indian legend says that the man who owns the Koh-i-Noor “will have the whole world, but also all the bad luck.” In 1628, the diamond was set on the peacock throne of Shah Jahan, ruler of the Mughal Empire, who was later placed under house arrest by his son. Iranian ruler Nader Shah invaded the Mughal Empire in 1739. He not only killed tens of thousands of people and stole the Koh-i-Noor, but was assassinated by his own officers.

▲ “Queen Elizabeth’s Crown” has a fatal curse and has witnessed many tragedies over the past 400 years. (Photo / Associated Press / Dazhi Image)

In 1877, when Queen Victoria ascended the throne as Empress of India, the Koh-i-Noor became the royal jewel of the United Kingdom. Queen Victoria is said to have cut and polished it, greatly reducing the size of the diamond, and it was first set in the British crown in 1902, when it was used on the crown of Queen Alexandra, wife of King Edward VII. The Koh-i-Noor was used on the crowns of three queens, and is currently in Queen Elizabeth’s crown. This is the only platinum crown in the British royal family. The last time Queen Elizabeth wore it. The day was at the coronation of her daughter, Queen Elizabeth II, in 1953, and the tiara was last seen on her coffin at the Queen Mother’s funeral in 2002.

Although the crown will later be conquered by Charles III, the Mount of Light has not appeared on the head of the “monarch” since the Victorian era, so the likelihood of Charles wearing it is not high, but Queen Camilla may be wearing it. But in the past, the queen usually also had a crown made for herself.

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