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Charges against ex-Trump adviser Michael Flynn dropped

Donald Trump and his adviser Michael Flynn, during the presidential campaign, September 29, 2016. – John Locher / AP / SIPA

Drama in the investigation into Russia in the USA. The US Department of Justice withdrew the charges against Thursday former Donald Trump adviser Michael Flynn, prosecuted for lying about his contacts with a Russian diplomat. The president welcomed the move, saying Flynn had been the victim of an FBI plot, but the Democrats accused the White House of “politicizing” the Justice Department.

The ministry found that the investigation against the 61-year-old former general had no “legitimate basis” and that his statements “even if they were false, do not matter”, according to court documents .

“Targeted to try to make me fall”

The Republican President immediately welcomed the decision. Michael Flynn “was innocent,” he told reporters from the White House. “He was targeted just to try to bring me down,” added Donald Trump.

The New York billionaire has always believed that the investigation into suspicions of collusion between Moscow and his campaign team during the 2016 presidential election was a “witch hunt” orchestrated by his opponents. However, Michael Flynn was the first member of his entourage to be worried in the context of this sprawling investigation.

After taking part in Donald Trump’s campaign, the former general had confidential discussions with the Russian ambassador to Washington, Sergei Kisliak in December 2016. Having become a National Security adviser, he was interrogated on January 24, 2017 by the federal police but he had concealed these contacts. He quickly had to resign for also lying to Vice President Mike Pence. In 2017 Michael Flynn agreed to plead guilty to perjury and to cooperate with the Russian investigation.

“What is your goal? Accepting the truth or making it lie “

Last year, threatened with a six-month prison sentence, he changed lawyers and defense strategy. He had asked since the cancellation of the procedure, presenting himself as a victim of manipulation.

His lawyers had recently filed notes with an FBI official advising investigators on how to conduct the interview with General Flynn. “What is your goal? Admitting the truth or making him lie so we can sue him or push him to resign? Wrote this unidentified agent. According to police experts, this is a classic strategy in the face of a suspect, but Michael Flynn’s defenders saw it as proof of a set-up.

“Parody of Justice”

The Department of Justice, led by one of the President’s staunchest supporters, Bill Barr, abounded in their favor. “His interview was not warranted,” he said to justify withdrawing the charges. But several voices were immediately raised, especially in the Democratic ranks, to condemn a “travesty of justice”. Withdrawal of the charge file “does not whitewash” Michael Flynn, but “incriminates Bill Barr: the Ministry of Justice has never been so politicized,” tweeted the elected democrat Adam Schiff who chairs the intelligence commission of representatives room.

“The Department of Justice is on the wrong track,” said former FBI director James Comey, urging FBI agents not to leave the ship.

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