– Disease Diabetes or known as diabetes is a disease associated with Blood Sugar.
Therefore, for sufferers Diabetes important to know blood sugar levels any time.
High blood sugar levels in diabetics can usually be recognized by the signs that appear on the skin surface. For example, there is skin irritation, itching to open wounds that are difficult to dry.
Complaints This occurs because of the blood flow that is not smooth in the skin, diabetes also triggers damage to blood vessels and nerves and reduces the ability of white blood cells to fight infection.
Poor blood circulation can also affect skin collagen. Thus, the skin texture changes and skin regeneration to heal from wounds is also hampered.
Damage to skin cells can sometimes hinder the skin’s ability to sweat.
This condition makes diabetics more sensitive to certain temperatures.
For information, as much as 51.1 percent to 97 percent of people with diabetes will experience skin problems.
Among others, wounds or irritation around the place where the insulin was injected, wounds that are difficult to heal, to secondary infections due to wounds are difficult to heal.
Here are some of the characteristics of diabetes from sores that appear on the skin according to the American Academy of Dermatology Association: