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Chaots storm insurance and injure employees – Vienna

Dangerous escalation of violence in Vienna: How “Today“found out, demo chaots stormed the headquarters of an insurance company in Vienna and injured a man.

The Corona-Stafen of FP club boss Herbert Kickl, social spokeswoman Dagmar Belakowitsch and science spokesman Martin Graf were by no means the biggest upset on Saturday evening. How “Today” was reported from police circles, violent demo anchors stormed the headquarters of a large domestic insurance company in Vienna’s Leopoldstadt.

Security guard recovered injured

According to initial information, the angry mob overran the security guards on duty. A security guard was knocked over and apparently seriously injured, and a second employee in the group complex is said to have been injured. The security was rescued from the building by the police and handed over to the ambulance service.

Use until after 8 p.m.

At the moment the situation is still confusing. According to “Today” available information there are still violent muddles in the insurance building. The suspects refuse to comply with the police’s orders for the time being. The all-clear then at 8:17 p.m. “The demonstration marches were broken up and the participants left. All roadblocks have already been released,” said LPD Vienna via Twitter.

Kickl thundered: “dirty guys”

Just hours earlier, the former Interior Minister Kickl had given a speech at the Jesuitenwiese in Vienna’s Prater. The march of tens of thousands was “a strong sign of freedom, democracy and basic rights,” said the blue club boss. He located the government in a “power frenzy” and criticized a “health apartism” of “dirty guys”. As reported, the police had warned against visiting the Green Prater. There was a hail of advertisements against numerous demonstrators.

Mahrer: “Disgusting rhetoric”

The former Vice President of the Vienna Police, Karl Mahrer, criticized Herbert Kickl harshly and called him the “ringleader of die-hard corona deniers”. For the VP security spokesman, Kickl continues to lead the FPÖ imm “into the right-wing extremist corner”: “In his speech, Kickl once again heated the demonstrators against the necessary corona measures by the federal government, contributed to the massive threat to public health and as the patron saint of right-wing extremists Conspiracy theorists positioned. The police had their hands full to prevent the right-wing extremist riots that Kickl apparently wanted to enforce with his hideous rhetoric. My sincere thanks go to all police officers. “

Nav-Account red Time06.03.2021, 19:56| Akt: 06.03.2021, 20:19– .

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