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chaos on the left – Time

Tommaso Manni

Renzi’s rapprochement activity with the left has alarmed Schlein’s friends. The front was already shaking before the summer, so much so that there was a meeting on the Transatlantic between Conte, Schlein, Bonelli and Fratoianni to describe the wide field. However, now that Matteo has accelerated his pace, the fears of Grillini and Rossoverdi are starting to become real ghosts. Also because Schlein, after her first turn to the left, as soon as she was elected secretary, now seems more concerned about looking for a center. Among other things, on the internal front, both in the 5 Star movement and in the Greens and Italian Left Alliance, things are not looking good.

A gap has opened in the Grillini between the Orthodox, who would like to bring the movement back to its origin, and the Contians who instead promote a change from a movement to a party by overcoming, for example, the two-order rule. All matters will come to a head in October when the parliamentary assembly is held. While in Avs there is an air of separation. There are many signs, the first of which relates to the clubs. After the success of the European Championships, requests came from the provinces to open the clubs but the refusal came from Rome. “Either open Green clubs or open Italian Left clubs, don’t open Avs clubs”. Just so you don’t lose the habit of splitting just when things seem to be going right. Also at Bonelli & Fratoianni is the Marino case. The Martian, who had just landed at the European Parliament, preferred to join the Green group first, avoiding joining the left. Then he began to go out at the Gualtieri administration, embarrassing Avs friends in the Capitol. There are those behind Marino’s activity who see the possibility of his inclusion in the 2026 administration race, perhaps at the helm of the Green list.

As mentioned, now in addition to all these issues there is also the issue of Renzi which threatens to create a current within Nazarene and the movement of the axis of the Democratic Party from the left to the center-left. And if the move is successful, it will be interesting to see how the other players in the wide area react. Conte has now run out of voice by repeating that Renzi does not want him. Fratoianni and Bonelli ditto. This is also why Schlein’s idea is to have a living Italy to join the coalition that presents itself in Liguria (with Orlando as a candidate?) Along the way. Elly’s plan, as we reported in our newspaper, is not to allow the IV logo to appear and at the same time to remove the Renzian adviser Mauro Avvenente from the Bucci council. Very nice in words and then we will have to see what comes of it. In the meantime, Renzi continues to send messages to “potential” friends to reassure them. To Conte, at the Unity ceremony in Pesaro, he spoke to an invitation: “We will forget the past. ” IV director’s card to bring everyone together is not very original. “We hope that the entire broad field is on the side of the progressives against the landlords”. The evergreen recipe on the left: when you can’t find the synthesis between too different positions, identify the common enemy (in this case Melons) hoping that it will be enough to tie it together.

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