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Chaos in Erfurt: Thuringia’s CDU does not want any new elections for the time being

It was taking a long time, very long time. Now, however, the first details of how the CDU presents the further course of government formation in Thuringia. And these ideas certainly make you listen. Because the Thuringian state CDU has not been able to agree on the approval of rapid new elections.

The state association initially wanted a way out of the post-crisis crisis with the existing majority in the state parliament Find the FDP politician Thomas Kemmerich as prime minister, That said CDU federal chief Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer on the night of Friday when leaving the meeting in Erfurt.

“It is also clear that if these talks fail, new elections will inevitably result in the end,” she emphasized. The CDU in Thuringia spoke of a “very intensive, sometimes emotional exchange” with the party leader.

Federal CDU and state association agreed that “stable conditions” were necessary in Thuringia, it was said in party circles. The leadership of the federal CDU had spoken in favor of rapid new elections.

First, the state CDU wants to pursue party initiatives to “create stability in the current parliament,” said Kramp-Karrenbauer. The CDU would “not block these efforts while adhering to their principles”.

Country chief openly opposed the top of the federal government

The party leader was not able to assert itself with the expectations of the federal leadership in the state association. The Federal Presidium of the CDU and Chancellor Angela Merkel (CDU) had called for new elections. Kramp-Karrenbauer brought this demand to the parliamentary group at the crisis meeting.

State and parliamentary group chairman Mike Mohring, however, rejects rapid new elections. He positioned himself openly against the top of the federal government – for Kramp-Karrenbauer, the consultations in Erfurt were therefore also about their own assertiveness. Before Kramp-Karrenbauer arrived, Mohring had let the CDU state board express their confidence.

Against the express recommendation of the top of the federal government, the CDU parliamentary group had helped Kemmerich, who was also supported by the AfD, with its votes to become prime minister. Kramp-Karrenbauer saw this as a violation of the incompatibility decision, which prohibits cooperation between the CDU and AfD.

What’s next with Mohring? Rumors of dwindling backing

The meeting was also about Mohring’s political future, the CDU said. There was talk of “massive discussions” in which Mohring fought vigorously for his position. It was also a question of whether Mohring should ask a question of trust in the parliamentary group. The news agency dpa announced at night that there should be elections for the parliamentary group presidency in May. According to participants in the parliamentary group meeting, Mohring can currently no longer count on a majority.

Originally, Mohring and Kramp-Karrenbauer wanted to appear before the press at 8.30 p.m. This appointment was postponed again and again and finally canceled. Kramp-Karrenbauer made a short statement when he left the session, and the parliamentary group continued their session at night.

Left, SPD and Greens meanwhile provided Kemmerich with an ultimatum, The prime minister should resign immediately or pose a question of trust in the state parliament, representatives of the three parties said in the evening in Erfurt. He should explain himself by Sunday. At the same time, they asked the factions of the CDU and FDP to enable the election of a new prime minister.

Kemmerich announced on Thursday that he would step down from office and apply for the dissolution of the state parliament in order to allow new elections. The hurdles for this are very high. A two-thirds majority is needed to dissolve the state parliament.

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