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Chantal is treated thanks to your donations

She didn’t believe it and yet solidarity worked, thanks to you. Chantal, a 64-year-old housekeeper from La Rochelle, treatment starts this Tuesday against his lung cancer. She launched a kitty on the internet last December. And France Bleu la Rochelle relayed its distress. Chantal was not allowed to be on sick leave, nor to receive daily allowances. She did not work enough: her two half-days as a household help, paid in service employment vouchers, allowed her to reach 105 hours of work per quarter. It would take 150 hours, it is the rule, in order to be able to stop to take care of oneself, and to receive allowances to live.

I can’t believe it … Thank you!

“I am not optimistic by nature, I can’t believe it this Chantal. I can’t get back from people’s donations and shares. “ The sixty-year-old has a voice that trembles with emotion. “Thank you” does she breathe “thank you, I am starting my treatment.” Chemotherapy and radiotherapy. Chantal is being treated, that’s it, with a little more peace of mind. It will be stopped until the beginning of May.

More than 3000 euros were collected in a fortnight on the internet. It was not a question of financing the care that is covered, but of find enough to pay his rent, his credits, and something to eat.

In France, studies show that 28% of CPAM beneficiaries give up seeking treatment, mainly for financial reasons.

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