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Changing Weather Forecast in Hesse: Partly Cloudy with Showers and Thunderstorms Expected

Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – After a late summer weekend in Hesse, the new week brings with it a change in the weather. On Sunday it will be partly cloudy and partly clear, as the German Weather Service (DWD) announced on Saturday. The temperatures rise to a maximum of 25 to 29 degrees. There could be showers or thunderstorms on Monday night.

On Monday it will be mostly gray, and according to the DWD, showers and thunderstorms are expected. Heavy rain could fall locally. The thermometers reach a maximum of 23 to 26 degrees. It will continue to be cloudy on Tuesday, with meteorologists expecting showers and thunderstorms again at times. The maximum temperatures would then only be around 21 degrees Celsius.

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#Showers #thunderstorms #expected #start #week #Hesse

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