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Changing Education: The Gelsenkirchen Declaration and Demands on State Politics

The North Rhine-Westphalia Association of Cities wants to draw attention to pressing problems in the education system this Thursday (9:00 a.m.). At a congress in Gelsenkirchen, the association is calling for a change in education. To this end, the Association of Cities wants to publish a “Gelsenkirchen Declaration” with demands on state politics. The North Rhine-Westphalian Schools Minister Dorothee Feller (CDU) is also expected to speak at the congress, which will be attended by around 160 representatives of the municipalities.

The Association of Cities emphasized that good education is the key to the future of the entire country. “Every new education study shows that we have an enormous amount of catching up to do.” Currently, the integration of immigrant children and the expansion of all-day care are posing problems for schools – and all against the background of a shortage of skilled workers.

The SPD in the North Rhine-Westphalia state parliament spoke of an “education catastrophe” and demanded that the black-green state government overcome party boundaries to reform the education system. “The challenges are so great that – similar to the migration issue – we have long needed a cross-party consensus,” said parliamentary group leader Jochen Ott. “I fear that we are about to gamble away our future.”

Specifically, the state government must ensure that younger teachers can work more in the short term using modern working time accounts. There should be performance remuneration for teachers at schools with a difficult social environment. There also needs to be more support for teachers when dealing with students who have social or language problems, demanded Ott.

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2023-11-16 03:18:28
#City #Council #Enormous #catch #reforms #education

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