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Changes in the car code continue. Kon if eskho represented by Vlek

Lubo Vlek will remain in the code, he will be responsible for the activities of the code signs in Western Europe, the carmaker informed in the press first.

The lift has been operating in the code of the Auto and the Volkswagen Group since 1992. He took up the position of the Czech company represented by the code in January 2014 after several years in the Volkswagen Group China. The day-to-day sign of the code on the domestic market is due to the entire coding darkness, from the production factory through the import organization and to our dealer, said Vlek.

Malek drank into the code in January. The new position is a big challenge for me. I am glad that I can be a bite of many pbhu domc characters, he said. Among other things, he had to deal with the coronavirus crisis.

f sales of koda Auto at the eskm market Ji Malek.

The carmaker refused to comment on the question of whether it is standard that such an important function is obtained with such a short experience in the code, or whether Malek excelled over other candidates. Please understand, but we will not comment on this darkness, said Pavel Jna.

Recently, this is not the only significant personal change to the Auto code. At the arrest in July, the carmaker announced that the Chairman of the Board of Directors, Bernhard Maier, was in office. His successor elected the company’s board of directors in August. Before that, only the board of directors responsible for the purchase was replaced, and Dieter Seemann was replaced by Karsten Schnake.

Volkswagen pr vad spch kodovky

The company announced Mayerv’s termination in office a week ago without a drain. According to the German newspaper Handelsblatt, power disputes in the Volkswagen Group are in the background.

spn f codes after five years suddenly lost, lost the power struggle

For a long time, it has been rumored that Volkswagen is failing to code, and its models are competing with other cars in the group. The chairman of the board’s companies, Jaroslav Povk u dv, stated that Volkswagen kod zvid spch. The information appeared in such a way that even the Audi, which is not good for the concern, is a code of its own.

The unions, for example, have two further signs after the new chairman of the board. According to them, it is not clear whether the new code will develop the code or, on the contrary, slow down so that it is not such a strong competitor with other features of the concern.

koda Auto delivered 1.24 million cars worldwide last year. It operates three production plants in the Czech Republic, production in the Czech Republic, Russia, Slovakia and India, mostly through group partnerships, according to Ukraine and Kazakhstan in cooperation with local partners. It is active for more than 100 markets. Employed 39 thousand employees, of which 34 thousand people in R tm.

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