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Changes in Property Status by Decision of the Council of Ministers

The Council of Ministers adopted a decision to declare properties-private state property as properties-public state property. The subject of the decision of the Council of Ministers are two land properties located in the city of Plovdiv. Their purpose is related to the immediate implementation of the defense of the Republic of Bulgaria. The objects have acquired properties of public state property, which is why, on the basis of Art. 6, para. 2 of the Law on State Property and Art. 5, para. 1 of the Regulations for the Implementation of the Law on State Property, the decision of the Council of Ministers was adopted.

The government declared a property managed by the State Agency “Archives” – public state property for property – private state property. It is located in the village of Podkrepa, municipality of Haskovo and is a one-story archive with a built-up area of ​​224 square meters. The decision of the Council of Ministers gives consent to the removal of the building due to its poor condition and inability to use it for its intended purpose safely and securely . The property is no longer needed for the State Agency “Archives” and will be released from the archives in 2021. Its removal will be at the agency’s expense.
By decision of the Council of Ministers, a property in the town of Kardzhali changes its status from public state property to private state property. It is located on Gen. St. Vladimir Stoychev” No. 2 and is a plot of land with an area of ​​804 sq. m. The land is used by the owners and tenants of apartments in the block located in it, which is co-owned between individuals and the state. Part of the housing is provided for the management of the Regional Health Inspection in Kardzhali, being rented out to its employees.

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2023-11-16 18:27:00

#changed #status #number #properties

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