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Changes in Germany in 2024: More Money, New Laws, and Increased Support

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Like every year, there will be some changes in Germany in 2024. There is good news for some groups of people: they will get more money.

There is still time until the turn of the year, but Germans will also face changes in 2024 that are already foreseeable. It’s not just changes to personnel and passports that are being implemented. New laws were passed as early as 2023, but they will not come into force until next year. Above all, it’s about money: In the new year, some groups of people will get more money and others will get less money – echo24.de summarizes who is affected by it.

Minimum wage will increase in 2024: Mini-jobbers will also benefit from this change

Anyone who currently works for the minimum wage can look forward to 2024 because there will be more money. The minimum wage is currently twelve euros per hour. That will change on January 1st, 2024, when it will be increased by 41 cents. The federal government announces that the minimum wage in Germany will then be twelve euros and 41 cents gross per hour.

However, that’s not all. People who have a mini-job also benefit from the increase. As a result of a new reform, the minimum wage and the monthly salary limit for mini-jobs are increasing in parallel, reports “factorial”. From January 1, 2024, the salary limit will no longer be 520 euros per month, but rather 538 euros per month.

Changes in 2024: Lower income limit for parental allowance

The income limit that determines entitlement to parental allowance will be drastically reduced. Previously, parents who had a joint net income of up to 300,000 euros per year and single parents with a net income of up to 250,000 euros per year were able to claim parental allowance. That should change in 2024.

From January 1, 2024, the income limit for single parents and couples is to be reduced uniformly to an annual income of 150,000 euros. This is reported by the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs. Whether this change will be enforced will be decided in December 2023.

Pension increase coming in 2024: Pensioners in Germany get so much more

Around three million people receive a disability pension – and these three million people should receive more money from 2024. How much more pension someone is entitled to depends on when they retire. If the start of retirement was between 2001 and June 2014, you can expect a pension supplement of 7.5 percent.

Anyone who received their pension for the first time between July 2014 and December 2018 can look forward to a surcharge of 4.5 percent. This was announced by the German pension insurance company. There is no need to submit an application for the supplement; it will be paid out without any application required.

Changes in care in 2024 – more financial support for caring relatives

From 2024, important changes will be introduced for people in need of care and their caring relatives, which are intended to provide additional support. These innovations affect different areas.

The care allowance and care benefits in kind will be increased by five percent in 2024. An increase of another 4.5 percent is planned for 2025. In addition, from 2024, working carers will be able to apply for care support allowance annually, which was previously only possible once per care case.

The subsidy for your own share of the care costs when staying in a home will also be increased in 2024. In the first year it increases from 5 to 15 percent, in the second year from 25 to 30 percent, in the third year from 45 to 50 percent and from the fourth year from 70 to 75 percent. This is what the Federal Ministry of Health promises.

2023-10-28 19:57:33
#pensioners #minijobbers #parents

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