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Changes for employees. New regulations in 2022

The year 2022 means big changes for employees and employers. In connection with the introduction of the Polish Order, the amount of net salaries will change. The rules for granting parental leave will also be different.

Minimum wage

At the beginning of 2022, the minimum wage has increased. From January, it amounts to PLN 3010, which is PLN 210 more than last year.

Due to the introduction of the Polish Order, people earning the national minimum income will not pay income tax. Only pension, disability, sickness and health contributions will be deducted from your salary. In total, “on hand” earners National lowest they will receive PLN 2,363.56.

See also: The minimum wage has risen again. Minister Szwed announces what will happen next year

Along with the increase in the minimum wage, the lowest hourly wage also increases, which in 2022 will be 19.70.

All allowances and benefits calculated on its basis will also increase. For example, night work allowance, maximum severance pay, or deduction-free amount.


Polish order

The Polish Order, which has been in force since January, means changes in salaries not only for those earning the lowest national income.

Due to the increase in the tax-free amount, employees earning up to approx. gross zlotys will have a bit higher wages on hand.

Along with the tax changes, the government has also introduced a middle-class tax credit to offset the additional costs that employees would incur due to the non-deductible health insurance contribution.


The relief applies to people who earn income from full-time work and business activity in the range from PLN 68,412 to PLN 133,692, i.e. from PLN 5,701 to PLN 11,141 gross per month.

Billed for benefits

In January 2022, the payout regulations entered into force sickness benefitto prevent a situation in which an employee, taking sick leave for various diseases, could significantly extend the period of payment of sickness benefit (currently it is 80% of remuneration) over the 182-day limit applicable in the year.

It was possible thanks to the provisions in the allowance act, which make the calculation of the allowance period dependent on the disease entity. If, after the end of the dismissal, the employee took a second illness for another illness, the period in which he was on the unemployment benefit did not add up.


It was therefore possible, at least in theory, to take sick leave without interruption. Provided that you had various diseases.

From the new year it will not be possible. If the break between consecutive disabilities for work is less than 60 days, ZUS will sum up the exemptions to one pool of 182 days – no matter what they refer to..

Parental leave

As of January 1, the rules for granting parental leave have also changed. Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on work-life balance adopted in 2019 imposed on EU states the obligation to introduce new regulations. All countries have until August 2022 to implement the changes.


The directive presupposes granting parents the right up to at least four months of leave, divided equally. Importantly, it will not be possible to transfer the leave to one of the parents. If either of the parents does not take the time off, the leave will be forfeited.

This means that fathers will have 2 months of leave. Until now, Polish law did not provide for part of the parental leave each parent was entitled to individually, except for the first 14 weeks. maternity leave for the mother of the child.

Vaccination control

To adopt a law allowing employers collect data on vaccinations of their employees we are still waiting. If the new regulations are passed, entrepreneurs will be able to ask employees to present vaccination certificates or coronavirus tests.

Sobriety control

Work is still underway on regulations that will enable employers to conduct sobriety control of employees.

According to the applicable regulations, if the employer suspects that the employee is intoxicated, he may call the police. The audit itself can only be carried out if there is a “legitimate interest in the controller”, which means that it needs additional evidence.

remote work

Although it will be two years since the outbreak of the pandemic, and by that time many Plaques have become used to working remotely, this form is still not clearly defined in the regulations.

We are still waiting for amendment to the labor code, which is to clearly define the scope of the obligations of the employer and employee in this regard.


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