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“Changeable weather ahead for Hesse: Thunderstorms, occasional showers and rising temperatures forecasted”

Offenbach (dpa/lhe) – In Hesse the weather will be changeable in the next few days. On Friday it was mostly dry at first, said a meteorologist from the German Weather Service (DWD). In the afternoon and evening thunderstorms are expected, accompanied by short-term heavy rain and, especially in northern Hesse, by stronger gusts. Meanwhile, temperatures are rising to highs of 15 to 19 degrees; in the mountains the thermometer shows 10 to 14 degrees.

From Saturday afternoon, new clouds will gather over the entire state; According to the meteorologist, there may be occasional showers or thunderstorms. The temperatures are at maximum values ​​of 19 to 22 degrees. The wind freshens up gusty. At least it is a relatively warm wind, said the meteorologist.

On Sunday the sky will be partly cloudy. According to the DWD meteorologist, showers and thunderstorms will increase over the course of the day. The values ​​then reach a maximum of 15 to 18 degrees and in the mountains 12 to 15 degrees. The wind is freshened up with strong gusts. In the coming week it should remain fresh throughout the state.

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