Home » today » World » Change without change – View Info – 2024-08-09 19:44:08

Change without change – View Info – 2024-08-09 19:44:08

/ world today news/ I really love spineless fraudsters and I especially love simpletons – sorry, morons – sorry, the “followers” who believe them (I hope Father Boyko and Prof. Ivo Hristov don’t sue me for copyright infringement). So the BKP is very evil and should be hated. My, nice. It’s as if the leek will become bigger than usual, and life will magically become better and people will live happily, eating, drinking and being merry for not 3, but over 800 days.

Well, who said that the BSP is the BKP? Sorry, it’s more fashionable to say “#WHO appointed BSP as successor to BKP?” I think it was dr. Alexander Lilov – the strategist or others. Andrey Lukanov – the ideologue, or maybe they were both. But this is not so important, because the proletariat (or what is left of it) does not care who this Andrei Lukanov is or why he was shot on the road. But other Lukanov is much more important than we think or know. He was one of the reformers of the so-called Bulgarian Communist Party, helping it change the K to “C”. And apart from changing one letter, did anything else change, I ask? I guess – the Omnipresent Party became a commercial corporation with a board of directors called the “Supreme Council” and later the “National Council” because the word “national” somehow makes it more patriotic, I guess. Moreover, “superior” suggests that they are above the others, and that is simply unacceptable for such a socialist party, isn’t it? Right?! Forget it, the topic of the text is different.

“We have never been members of the BKP, however, Boyko Borisov, Tsetska Tsacheva and 18 others from GERB were.” These are the words of the honorable chimpanzee (at least Georgi Markov has no way of suing me for copyright) Anton Kutev. He he had already become famous in the media with the fact that socialism is sexually transmitted like AIDS, why not do another stupid thing now, right?! But it’s really time to think about it – are we communists? are we or do we have a venereal disease in the brain? These are not my words, this is what a member of the BSP says, and the chairperson justifies herself that she “wasn’t from the BKP” did you know that this is a reason for pride and symbolizes the pure innocence of the Leader? I didn’t know either.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, this is where it became like, “I’m not a communist, you’re a communist!” What kind of nonsense is this and why is it so funny? I’ll tell you why it’s funny, because the former communists and builders of Bulgaria tolerate it. Even the respected Dr. Stanishev would not point to such a thing as an occasion for all-pervading joy. That the GERB is more like the former Communist Party than the BSP at the moment. If you don’t believe me, look at the conventions and gatherings they have. However, that’s not all, look at Tsvetanov how he pours water on Vozhda from time to time. Could it be a coincidence? Hasn’t Boyko gotten tired lately? Does the construction of GERB and the European presidency (not to mention the end of the European Union, because if we start talking about that, you won’t read the rest of the text because you’ll think I’m crazy) don’t remind you of the difficult period of the late 80s years? And regarding this nonsense about AIDS, former communists and proud non-communists are complete nonsense, we can even call them morons. Because 80 percent believe, 80 percent praise and 80 percent vote. The very denial of the BSP by the BKP is not from today, however. This denial took place on April 3rd, 1990, when we replaced the capital “k” with a capital “s.” The native perestroika took place when we replaced Marxism-Leninism with the more modern slang version of Mladenovism-Lukanovism (clever – both start with “m” and “l”).

Comrades, are we beginning to deny the legacy of the BKP? By legacy I mean the ideology, social justice, the ideal of the labor movement and Dimitar Blagoev, Georgi Kirkov, Nikola Gabrovski, Georgi Bakalov, Stanke Dimitrov, Hristo Rakovski, Georgi Dimitrov, Vasil Kolarov, Valko Chervenkov, Anton Yugov, Todor Zhivkov, Anton Ivanov, Vela Peeva, Angel Wagenstein, Nikola Vaptsarov, Hristo Smirnenski, Geo Milev, Hristo Botev, the other known and unknown partisans and others gave their lives for a better world. Shouldn’t we just preserve the infrastructure and finances of the BKP? For, as I have already mentioned, such denial took place a long time ago, with the slight difference that it is always the “higher” or “national” comrades who deny or surrender. Ordinary people do not have the financial ability to renounce the supposedly bright ideal, but instead they have the option to renounce the Party, which renounces the Party.

Why don’t they use this option?

That’s something I don’t know either.

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