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Change in car insurance: 9.4 million drivers affected

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A new analysis ensures that the costs of car insurance can be adjusted. © Zoonar/Imago; Wolfgang Maria Weber/Imago; Collage: RUHR24

Drivers in Germany are being classified into new regional classes. This affects car insurance, the costs of which can be adjusted.

Dortmund – Driving is expensive. Vehicles have to be regularly checked by the TÜV, repaired in workshops and filled up with fuel at gas stations. In addition, there are costs that usually only arise in the event of an accident. For millions of drivers, car insurance will become more expensive in the near future. Others will benefit from a new analysis.

Change in car insurance: 9.4 million drivers affected

Many drivers in Germany will have to prepare for higher costs for their car insurance this year. The reason for this is the new regional classes published by the German Insurance Association (GDV). According to the GDV, around 9.4 million vehicle owners could be affected by a change in their insurance premiums.

Regional classes are classifications used by car insurance companies to calculate the amount of insurance premiums. They are based on the loss record in various registration districts: the higher the loss frequency and cost in a district, the higher the regional class and thus the insurance premium.

Change in car insurance: millions of drivers have to pay extra

Conversely, lower loss rates lead to cheaper regional classes. These classifications apply to both liability and comprehensive insurance. The regional classes are regularly updated by the German Insurance Association (GDV) and have a significant influence on insurance premiums.

The next adjustment followed in August 2024. In 49 registration districts, in which around 4.7 million drivers are registered, the regional classes will be adjusted upwards. At the same time, around 4.7 million road users in 59 districts will also benefit from a more favorable classification. There are numerous improvements, especially in Bavaria.

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Change in car insurance: millions of drivers benefit from classification

“Here, 24 districts and almost one in four drivers will achieve a cheaper class,” Anja Käfer-Rohrbach, deputy general manager, is quoted as saying in a statement from the GDV. Around 33 million car insurance policyholders in Germany do not need to pay any attention to anything else. For them, the previous classification remains unchanged (more news about cars and traffic at RUHR24).

As usual, every statistic shows winners and losers. The cities of Offenbach and Berlin fare particularly poorly in terms of damage. “In both cities, the damage is almost 40 percent above average,” explained the GDV. On the other hand, the Elbe-Elster district in Brandenburg has the best damage balance, with 30 percent lower damage than the average.

Change in car insurance: Classification also depends on type of insurance

The regional classes in car insurance are divided into different levels, depending on the type of insurance:

  • Liability insurance: The regional classes range from 1 to 12. A higher number means a worse loss record and therefore higher insurance premiums.
  • Partial insurance: There are regional classes 1 to 16. Here too, the higher the class, the higher the risk and the premium.
  • Fully comprehensive insurance: The classifications range from 1 to 10. Higher classes mean a higher probability of claims and lead to higher premiums.

The new regional classes can be applied by insurers immediately for new contracts and from the next insurance year also for existing contracts.

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