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Chancellor speeches live on TV – when even Van der Bellen got angry

Nevertheless, it turns out that the ORF and give Corona more leadership to its leaders in the face of Corona than at other times. A topic that incidentally affects all media. The balance between the necessary first-hand fact reporting and the necessary criticism of the government is a daily topic of the editorial conference. (Whether the talk of Pamela Rendi-Wagner on May 5th for the presentation of the internal party question in the ORF was also broadcast live at the time of going to press.)

Interesting topics on Tuesday

Even if Kurz describes his goals for the country in a “big picture” today, tomorrow’s press conference is much more important for the current situation and most of us anyway. After the opening of the shops and the early restart of the schools, what happens with the exit restrictions? Because so far the sentence has been valid that there are only four reasons for going out: working, shopping, helping, representing your feet. Of course, it no longer fits with restaurant openings, and in the past few days one has actually had the feeling that many are no longer quite as precise. So there will be easing here. Large events remain banned anyway. The exciting question is how big the groups can be, in which you can then meet. Which rules apply (mask requirement)? If the rule of 20 square meters per visitor also applies in apartments, home sharing is only possible in higher layers with large houses and apartments anyway.

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