in new york citysince 2019, in totalthese fires have left 300jonathan: stephanie tells usof these conditions that we goto have today, let’s goto have rain, snow, what elseit will affect ourresidents?stephanie: luckily notthere is talk of a lot of accumulationin the city, how cansee we have that right nowrain in some parts and alittle bit of wet rain,we will have a just truce inrush hour time atroads but if we are goingcontinue with those conditionswet because we saw a lotearly morning precipitation andthese early hours of Tuesdayand then after 10:00am we see how to lower thetemperatures and that’s where we goto see a little more snow,but this snow like itI mentioned it will be wet, it won’t go awayto stay on the surfaces therethat we do not expect as leónin the five counties, maybein westchester, north ofjersey but the five countiesmostly precipitation fromwinter mix, we are going to see itat eight all this becomesmuch clearer and it will bewholesaler there are a few more dropsto the north and for the rest after10 o’clock is when this one comes backwinter precipitation, we seethat in the southern half of thecity will receive more snow,part of new jersey toopassaic, patterson y spés seturns back into rainbefore retiring for the night,definitely until 10:00pm we will have conditionsrainy and wet.the accumulation as mentionedless than an inch in ourarea, north are much more.remember that we also wantknow how they areweather conditions and howimpact their lives give us theirphotos and videos, using theresize tool andscanned the ode in