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‘Chamber majority: no tobacco at supermarkets and gas stations’

The CDA and the ChristenUnie today come with a motion about the sale of cigarettes in gas stations and supermarkets, the AD reports. If stores do not want to keep to the agreement, they will be forced with a legal obligation.

From display ban to ban

The sector is currently implementing a banning ban. In supermarkets, tobacco products may no longer be in sight of customers from 1 July. For smaller outlets, the deadline is January 1, 2021.

A majority of in any case CDA, ChristenUnie, D66, SP, GroenLinks, PvdA, 50Plus, Party for the Animals and SGP now even want the State Secretary of Health to arrange a rapid reduction in tobacco sales to zero.

The intention is that in the future tobacco products will only be available in specialist shops. “When I look around me in the city, more and more supermarkets seem to be opening up and therefore more outlets,” says Anne Kuik of the CDA. “While we agreed on a decrease in the prevention agreement.”

‘Smoking generation’

“Every year there are 19,000 deaths as a result of tobacco addiction,” says Carla Dik-Faber of the ChristenUnie. “The Dutch are now being offered tobacco in thousands of places. That cannot be explained if we want to move towards a smoke-free generation.”

The Chamber is currently discussing the extension of the smoking ban with electronic cigarettes.

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