[박준규의 성형의 원리] Forehead reduction
Everyone knows that plastic surgery needs to be chosen carefully. Among plastic surgeries, there is a ‘hard-to-reverse surgery’. ‘Surgery to cut off flesh’ is a typical example. You need to be more careful when performing this type of operation.
Recently, a student in his 20s came for counseling. Plastic surgery ‘failure story’ was told.
“My forehead is so wide that I always wanted to get surgery to narrow it. I didn’t like a wide forehead, so I asked for it to be narrow enough. After narrowing the forehead, it actually makes my face look bigger, and I feel like my impression has changed to stuffy.”
Many people vaguely think that a narrower forehead will make the face look smaller. When consulting, show the picture below and ask, “Which face looks bigger?”, and about 80% of them say that the right face (0.8:1:1) looks the tallest.
In fact, if you cover your forehead, your face is the same size. It’s just that the ‘height’ of the hairline is different. Many people think that narrowing the forehead will make the face look smaller, but if the forehead is narrower than the proper ratio, it is easy to make the face look larger.
Most people look at the size of the face by ‘comparing it to the forehead’ rather than ‘including it in the face size’. is to recognize. Of course, too wide a forehead can make your face look big.
For this reason, there are many cases in which people with wide foreheads vaguely ask for a narrower forehead, but if it goes beyond the proper ratio, the face looks rather large. It is appropriate to reduce the vertical length of the forehead only to 90% to 100% of the mid-face.

Shrinking your forehead too much doesn’t just make it look bigger, it also changes the shape of your forehead. The curve of the brow bone starts at the top and smoothes down at the bottom.

When the forehead narrows and the hairline descends, the swelling at the top of the forehead disappears, giving a flat feeling, or making it look stuffy or old.
The biggest problem is that it is really difficult to reverse a narrowed forehead once. It is also difficult to raise the hairline upwards by hair removal as long scars are formed along the hairline. Forehead reduction is a surgery that has a great cosmetic effect when reducing a wide forehead and has relatively few problems such as side effects. But ‘excess’ of anything can be a problem.