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Challenge Newbie SolQ Recommendation – Brawl Stars Minor Gallery

[일반] Challenge newbie Sol Q recommended Write on mobile

yep 2024.10.25 15:21:59

End point – Grab Clancy’s gear, get on the jumping pad, turn on the gadget, and then hunt down the imbeciles.

Guys like Gus are slow-moving idiots, so no matter how good they are, if they attack Epainmo when there is no palace left, they will be defeated.

hideoutLilina Angelo

If Lily has a difficult palace or gadget, she uses the palace, teleports, and immediately turns on the gadget. Newbies will be surprised.
Press down on the palace or gadgets, but you can hunt in the gap.

For Angelo, fill up the gauge and use auto aim at mid to close range.
If you aim at this time and then use auto-aim again, you won’t be able to use normal attacks, so be careful.

Safe Zone – 8Bit and Daryl are scams.

Just use the 8-bit, 1-spa, 2-gadget to explode into the safe.
If you use 1 spa, Chuck will melt it before he can gather his strength.

Just use Daryl 1 Gadget 2 Spa and break the safe.
1 Gadget The deal is 9000 even if you throw them all in the safe anyway, so just pray that at least one gadget will be hit by the enemy.
It’s better to write

Open Field – Altikal
Both are good at close range and easy to attack with gadgets, so I highly recommend them.



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