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Chairman of the US House of Representatives Ousted: Impact on Ukraine and Potential Successor


Tommy Patrio Sorongan, CNBC Indonesia


Wednesday, 04/10/2023 21:10 WIB

Photo: Rep. Kevin McCarthy, R-Calif., leaves the House after being ousted as House Speaker at the Capitol in Washington, Tuesday, Oct. 3, 2023. (AP/J. Scott Applewhite)

Jakarta, CNBC Indonesia – Chairman of the United States (US) DPR Kevin McCarthy was officially ousted from his position as number one person in that institution, Tuesday (3/10/2023). He was overthrown through a motion of no confidence which was pressed by several members of the Republican Party and members of the Democratic Party.

This is also predicted to have a geopolitical impact considering the DPR’s high position in Uncle Sam’s country. One possible impact is the Russian-Ukrainian war. In fact, McCarthy’s ouster was preceded by a debate over the state budget for aid to Kyiv, which was rejected by right-wing Republican groups.

Even so, President Joe Biden continues to emphasize Washington’s commitment to Kyiv. The White House said on Tuesday that it believes the US will ultimately provide more aid to Ukraine, regardless of the fate of McCarthy’s leadership, but with McCarthy out of the picture, attention is now turning to the views of his potential successor.

Amid this situation, a Ukraine “report card” created by the political group Defending Democracy Together graded the leading House candidates from A to F on the strength of their past support for Ukrainian aid, with A indicating the most support. strong.

Representative Steve Scalise, the number two Republican in the House, has long been favored to take over as speaker after McCarthy. He received a B grade, one improvement over McCarthy’s B-minus grade.

However, right-wing Republican Matt Gaetz, who led the effort to oust McCarthy and has said he would support Scalise, received an F grade.

House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan and rising hardliner Rep. Byron Donalds also received Fs.

Representative Tom Emmer, the ranking Republican in the House, received the highest rating, A.

Washington has sent US$113 billion in security, economic and humanitarian aid to the Kyiv government since Russia invaded in February 2022.

Leaders in the Senate, narrowly controlled by Democrats, have vowed to take up legislation in the coming weeks to ensure continued US security and economic support for Ukraine.

Biden held talks with leaders of allied countries, the European Union and the NATO military alliance on Tuesday about resuming coordinated support for Ukraine, amid concerns that support for Kyiv’s war effort against Russia is waning.

McCarthy earlier this week denied Gaetz’s accusation that he had made a “secret deal” with Biden to allow the House to vote on Ukraine aid. McCarthy said he wants more information from the Biden administration.

In July, Biden asked Congress to approve an additional $24 billion in Ukraine-related funding, which Kyiv supporters both Republicans and Democrats hope could be part of a spending bill.

Watch the video below:

Chairman of the US House of Representatives Fired for “Flirting” with Democrats


2023-10-04 14:10:00
#House #Speaker #Kevin #McCarthy #Fired #Impact #Ukraine

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