Home » today » Technology » ChainLink continues to fall, the cryptocurrency rate has lost 50 percent since the top

ChainLink continues to fall, the cryptocurrency rate has lost 50 percent since the top

During the first 20 days of August, the value of the Link token tripled to about $ 20. But then the bubble burst. Before this fate guarded speculators such as the investment company Zeus Capital. The current decline can be quantified at 12 percent per week.

The value of the ChainLink platform is not helped by the current partnership with the issuer of one of the most widespread payment cards with the support of cryptocurrencies Crypto.com. Its application would collect the necessary financial data via ChainLink in the form of digital exchange rates and the like.

Kurz ChainLinku:

ChainLink has sharply increased its price with the rise of the so-called decentralized finance trend. Experts call it one of the most valuable “DeFi” projects. ChainLink is a kind of information node. Its role is to provide validated data for the needs of other blockchains, including the automated operation of DeFi through smart contracts.

However, the information is not free, so the use of information from the ChainLink project is paid for with its token, which contributes to the growth of its price.

In recent weeks, however, several DeFi projects have experienced critical shocks. “Yam” fell apart due to a technical flaw, and the creator of the popular SushiSwap digital coin lending protocol, for example, decided to pack it up with its $ 13 million to manage and put it on the project.

On the other hand, ChainLink was established in 2014 and its possible comparison with one-off fads smelling of Mr. Ponzi’s practices is not very appropriate.

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Dictionary of cryptocon terms

Blockchain – a public ledger in which data on virtual currency movements are recorded. It is distributed among a large number of mutually independent computers, which also verify the accuracy of the data contained in it. Therefore, there is no need for a central authority to be responsible for the data in the blockchain.

Token – a virtual currency that was created primarily for the needs of one specific project. It works as a game token.

DeFi – an abbreviation for decentralized finance, ie financial services that use blockchain and tokens. Due to their technological nature, they do not need classic central control in the form of a bank or office.

Smart contract – a virtual contract written in the blockchain, which is automatically activated when the conditions of performance are reached. An example is the accrual of interest.

Stablecoin – a virtual currency firmly pegged to the exchange rate of the dollar or other standard currency. As the name suggests, the main advantage is the stability of the value of these digital coins.

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