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Chahuán no da la cara

Lectures: 221

When the horse Incitato was named consul by his master Caligula in the Roman Senate, without a doubt something was not right in the minds of one of the emperors with the lowest acceptance. False, mediocre and extremely despotic character. These were very difficult times, especially for the senators’ wives, long periods of corruption and favors.

Nor is it an absolute truth that all those who arrive at that sacrosanct place are the most perfect. Lies/money/promises that turn a representative of popular expression into a political actor and with the seal of the party, which includes a share of real power with a fiscal salary paid by all citizens.

We know because the surveys say so, that the Chilean parliament is one of the worst evaluated institutions, the most vilified and very few believe in it. Parliamentarians who only arrive to sign, others who never arrive or participate in any meeting, others who discuss long hours in the congress cafe about the high value of the fact that the earth is round. There are others who are few doing their job and well. The battle for forty hours lasted almost seven years, that is, the affairs in Parliament are long-winded.

In politics and frequently characters appear that can be perfectly framed by signs and some more complex ones that need a quick medical search.

It is said in the corridors of some medical schools that psychiatrists, not all of course, what they try is a solution to their own problems.

Renovación Nacional was born as a political expression during the dictatorship back in the eighties. Among its well-known founders was Onofre Jarpa, a prominent opponent of the popular government along with Eduardo Frei. Minister of the Interior of the military dictatorship. The photos of the time also show Jaime Guzmán leader of the Chilean unionism, something similar to the Spanish Francoism in the beginnings of RN. Some time later, Guzmán was expelled from the RN and launched to form a new political project that was finally the UDI supported by unionism.

Raising a project/party under the dictatorship was extremely easy and free. They were the first.

The dictator delivered the blessings and then it was only necessary to go out and preach the word framed in the benefits of the model and its great achievements. Those wise men never read about the AFPs and their consequences, much less about the Isapres. It is that for them the country was very good and the Chileans extremely happy. Obviously all of them are furious anti-communists, costaleros carrying the calf of neoliberalism on their shoulders, and stepping on the demands of respect for human rights.

There was no political opposition.

The repression was carried out by agents of the State, by the flames and bullets of the carabineros, by the thousands and thousands of tear gas fired at all those who called for the end of the dictatorship. Those who arrived after 90 were living in exile. No one was in front of RN, only the mirror that repeated to him like a tired refrain that they were the prettiest. There were only two, there was also the girl from the UDI with their youth patrol while their pockets filled with money.

In those years Chile always in liquidation.

If the right-wing political parties are asked for a background certificate, their papers are stained. Rosauro Martínez is on trial for having killed MIR militants. He ordered to take their lives. There was not at least a Council of War, or the legitimate right to a fair defense.

He claimed that there were simply plenty of reasons for their deaths and they did it in cold blood. Rosauro Martínez was a representative of RN and continues to be a militant.

But the case of the deputy María Luisa Cordero came to become the most absolute of hatred, that which the dignity of the person cannot conceive as normal. Contempt, lies, negationism, the most despicable thing that lives somewhere in the head. Saying that Senator Fabiola Campillai is not blind and that she can see, that statement is aggressive enough that in medieval times she would undoubtedly have been tied to a tree and burned alive.

The tear gas that reached the senator’s face was fired by a police officer. That official is not brave since there is abundant evidence that he denies having participated in that very serious attack. A cowardly police officer.

It must necessarily be remembered that this deputy came to parliament with votes from a sector of the right on the RN list. There are no means or mechanisms to ask for an explanation from her voters. Almost all the parties in the election period look for well-known faces on television without caring about anything to settle in a district and turn them into actors of one of the powers of the State.

Then Incitato, Caligula’s horse, returns to the races and also to his bets. This time with a psychiatrist diploma. Caligula has not died and lives in the heart of Chahuán/Schalper

Dr. Cordero, as she is known, stated that her home advisor did not have the right to vote because she was more educated. Referring that way to the one who prepares her food is very similar to keeping a slave in her house. It’s going back to the times when you should be happy because your master feeds you.

Precariousness is evident in this absurd and classist definition.

It is strange that a parliamentarian who is installed in one of the powers of the State is unaware that before the Law we are all equal, although there is also a black hand in this statement. The list of inequalities is very long.

The General Council of the Medical College decided to expel her from its ranks as a result of the discriminated delivery of medical licenses. Those licenses are paid for by public funds. Saying publicly that our native peoples are “Mapuche scum” constitutes an attack on those who were there before the arrival of the Spanish, which means that this psychiatrist never read La Araucana.

Since the congress, he has continued to hurl insults, verbal attacks and lies. He concluded without having any background that the communist party was also engaged in theft of wood and drug trafficking.

The deputies and senators are the reflection of their parties. They sign the militant book and commit to its principles. It is true that they should also recognize their leaders, but what is expected is that the leaders, when the needs so require, emphatically condemn actions and attitudes such as that of María Luisa Cordero.

Chahuán/Schalper are silent, they don’t say anything, that’s their custom, that’s how they float in their internal crises. Chahuán has been seen guitar in hand around the Plaza de la Constitución trying to teach how the fa sounds. Ghost president of a government in the shadows but with very little courage to condemn Deputy Cordero in his backyard.

Chahuán/Schalper said absolutely nothing when the official Wladimir Pizarro from the Crime Prevention Office and RN militant was sentenced to thirteen years in prison for drug trafficking. He was RN treasurer between 2017-2018. All this happened in Antofagasta when Piñera was president.

Francisco Chahuán must show his face, he must answer for the concepts launched against a senator from the Republic of Chile, no less a matter.

By By Pablo Varas

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