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CHAdeMO received a fatal blow! No new electric car will have it in Europe and America

The CHAdeMO charging standard in Europe will end because new electric cars will no longer have it here.

Charging a Nissan electric car with a CHAdeMO | photo: Nissan

TIP: CHAdeMO 3.0: fast charging with an output of over 500 kW and more

End of CHAdeMO connector in Europe and America

Nissan at his new Ariya electric car for the European and American markets, it switched to a competitive CCS connector. And since it is Nissan who took care of the largest expansion of the CHAdeMO connector and a member of the CHAdeMO association (together with Mitsubishi or Toyota), it can therefore be said that CHAdeMO in Europe and America is definitely over.

CHAdeMO will continue to be used only in Japan, at least there is talk of greater expansion in China. For example, the Kia (Soul and Niro models) has already ended the standard. Tesla in Europe used its own connector, but also switched to the CCS standard. And so only the Nissan Leaf and Mitsubishi Outlander PHEV models remain here, which are probably the last Mohicans with a CHAdeMO connector in Europe.

A few interesting things about the CHAdeMO connector

The largest expansion of the CHAdeMO connector in Europe was taken care of by an electric car Nissan Leaf (test), until recently the best – selling electric car on the Old Continent. However, other car manufacturers, including Tesla, have decided to use the European CCS standard, which combines Mennekes.

There are already more than 32,000 charging stations in the world (of which more than 25,000 outside Japan, where the standard comes from), which are equipped with a CHAdeMO connector. Even in the Czech Republic, quick-charge stands often have pistols with both CCS and CHAdeMO. However, we will probably not see their expansion in the future.

LABELS:CCS, CHAdeMO, Electric car charging, Nissan

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