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“cha va min chicken?”

Funny and touching, Mélodie Fontaine returns to the Lille Spotlight stage with her new show “De plus générale”. And to discover in more detail this comedian and actress with a thousand facets, meet on December 2.

I say the people of the north are nice, but hey no more than anywhere else!“Mélodie Fontaine is not the type to take gloves with her audience. No question of watering down her thinking in the name of a political correctness supposed to please everyone. Especially if she plays at home as it will be again the case in Lille spotlight on December 2, 2021.

Back home

I love taking the Ch’ti accent, it relaxes me a lot. Go home to my parents, go to the local bar and say ‘cha va min chicken‘ is a pleasure.“Her region of heart is part of a particular sketch, but the artist does not think that performing in the capital of Flanders is easier than elsewhere.”Yes, I have played the Spotlight several times. I am always very well received. The Lille public is like any public for me, I never tell myself that it is won in advance. On the contrary, I tend to think that we are more demanding with his ‘children’. They must be proud!

The Nord Pas-de-Calais region represents my darling’s region. Yet when we are 59 we always say ‘mefi teu ‘des 62‘! I didn’t listen and I did well. We’ve been together for 18 years.

A magnificent discovery

Mélodie Fontaine could have written a “single on stage” to defend the planet, preserve the living, prevent future generations. But faced with the lack of enthusiasm aroused by her approach, she chose to do like everyone else and talk about more important things: Her.

The youth of an ugly one, a consuming profession, an intermittent spirituality, a disaster area, which some call her body. An introspective show in a more general way that the public already adores!

Mélodie made us laugh throughout the show by recounting her life full of anecdotes without shame. Have and absolutely listen.“On booking platforms like Ticket reduction, the critics are unanimous: “Mélodie Fontaine bares herself. For an hour, she tells us about her childhood but above all she paints the portrait of a few members of her family with a scathing humor, a mixture of irony and tenderness.

From general to particular

Melody is amused by her misadventures, “without filter“. An absence of filter which leaves all the room for self-mockery. Don’t be fooled by her angelic air and her teasing smile, she happily connects a succession of raw characters.

His inspiration? Situations which seem crazy, but which are lived, because incredible things happen to him all the time! In the magazine Current wife the artist confirms this: “People don’t believe me when I say it, but it’s true! When I was pregnant, I was sure that my childbirth would not be normal, it was written in advance … Result: it lasted 40 hours!“You find this mind-blowing sequence among many other equally extraordinary ones in the show.

4 years after her first one woman show “We are not animals“, this new show is co-written and directed by Jean-Baptiste Shelmerdine, well known to viewers for his role in”Our neighbors“. Of Mélodie he speaks willingly of his character”volcanic“, even if she imagines herself”very sweet“. He especially recognizes his immense talent:”With the precision of her gaze on those around her (from her great-grandmother to her midwife, she embodies all her contemporaries as no one else) and with her hilarious, surreal and shameless bits of misplaced life..”

Details make perfection“, said the philosopher. Mélodie Fontaine proves us that it is false! On the stage of the Spotlight, essential place of laughter in Lille, (re) discover this comedian comedian chameleon for an exceptional performance before the end of the year.

A very special evening for her, without a doubt. “JI am not chauvinist but I am attached to my region, to good fatty food, to conviviality, to my family of course and to my friends who I still have even if I do not see them much …“With her darling, she often imagines returning to live in Lille,”maybe someday !

Melody Fontaine, “More generally“, text and direction Mélodie Fontaine and Jean-Baptiste Shelmerdine, production Douglas Lemenu – Story productions, Thursday December 2, 2021 at 7 p.m., at the Spotlight, 100 Rue Léon Gambetta, 59800 Lille.

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