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CGEM CA: What are the priorities for the economic return?

The Board of Directors of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (CGEM) met on Friday in Casablanca, placing the economic recovery at the center of its discussions. Chaired by Chakib Alj, President of the CGEM, this council focused on the issues related to investment and the creation of quality jobs.

Chakib Alj stressed “the importance of redoubling efforts in favor of investment and the creation of quality jobs, a responsibility shared by all stakeholders,” according to a press release from the Confederation. He also affirmed that the issue of water management would be a priority for the CGEM, calling for innovative solutions to the water stress that Morocco is experiencing. The development of an efficient water economy, as well as national know-how in water resource management, is at the heart of the Confederation’s concerns.

Priorities for the economic return

The President of the CGEM then detailed the main priorities of the Confederation for this economic return. Among these is the preparation of the Finance Act 2025, in addition to social dialogue, with a particular emphasis on the draft organic law concerning the right to strike. Support for Very Small, Small and Medium Enterprises (VSMEs) as well as the startup ecosystem remains a central axis of the CGEM’s action, as does the continuous improvement of the business climate and the promotion of digitalization.

Appointments to Business Councils

During this Board of Directors, several appointments were approved to chair the Bilateral Business Councils, which play a key role in strengthening economic relations between Morocco and its international partners.

Anas Guennoun has been appointed chairman of the Morocco-UAE Business Council, while Anwar Radi will take over as chairman of the Morocco-Greece Business Council. Driss Benomar has been appointed head of the Morocco-Singapore Business Council, and Hamid Bentahar will lead the Morocco-Brazil Business Council.

Other appointments include Karim Mouttaki, chairman of the Morocco-Qatar Business Council, Mohammed Ali Tazi for the Morocco-Egypt Business Council, Mohamed Baida for the Morocco-Oman Business Council, Mohammed Réda Lahmini for the Morocco-Kuwait Business Council, and finally Toufik Kamil, who will chair the Morocco-Gabon Business Council.

LNT with CdP

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– 2024-09-20 21:57:02

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