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[CES] Lexilife Unveils The First Lamp To Correct Dyslexia

About 10% of the population – or 7 million people in France and 700 million worldwide have dyslexia. This written language learning disorder affects an average of three children per class in France and can lead to academic difficulties and a loss of self-confidence. Dyslexia is not a disease but a handicap that cannot be cured.

When reading, a mirror image is superimposed on the text, creating confusion and making deciphering difficult. A non dyslexic patient has a single dominant eye which sends main information to the brain, which it can analyze. A dyslexic person, on the contrary, has two dominant eyes which simultaneously send two different pieces of information to the brain. It is this confusion that creates mirror images and disrupts reading.

The result of more than 20 years of R&D, Lexilight is a reading aid lamp for dyslexics. Its technology combines both pulsed and modulated light and makes it possible to erase this mirror effect. It thus improves the quality of reading of almost all dyslexics and this on all types of media.

A device that corrects perception

The Lexilight lamp will correct this problem by allowing the brain to process information as if it came from a single dominant eye. It emits a pulsed and modulated light which attenuates the mirror effect that dyslexics see when reading. The lamp diffuses a light thanks to LED diodes whose waves can be adapted to the view by the user. It varies several parameters of these diodes, notably their refresh rate, so that one eye can take precedence over the other to blur the mirror effect. Two knobs allow the user to easily and finely adjust the pulse and modulation of the wave to adapt it to his view.

A device that also works on screens

Adults spend an average of 5 hours in front of the screens and children 4 hours. As reading difficulties for dyslexics also apply to screens, it is important to be able to relieve them also on this support. The lamp has been designed to be positioned vertically in front of the screen. To make it more efficient, you can dim the screen.

Compact, Lexilight can be used at home, in the office, or at school. It comes with a solid cover for easy transport and plugs in instantly. Lexilight is available at 549 euros with a 1 month free trial. It is guaranteed for 10 years.

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