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Cervical cancer screening and HPV vaccination: news in Mayenne

To better fight against uterine cancer, two campaigns are launched. Vaccination will also affect boys.

Posted on Jan 24, 20 at 11:41 am

Women who have not done a spontaneous smear within three years will receive
a letter explaining to them that screening is covered 100%.
Women who have not done a spontaneous smear within three years will receive a letter explaining that screening is 100% supported. (© Le Courrier de la Mayenne)

Spontaneous screening for Cervical cancer is not enough in Mayenne. Also, an organized screening program is put in place. “For 25-65 year olds, it is a question of fetching the 40% of women who do not spontaneously undergo screening,” explains Anne-Laure Banaszuk, coordinating doctor of screening. Targeted mail has been or will be sent, by wave and by age group, women whose smear is more than three years old.

The papillomavirus is circulating more

The special feature of this program is that the smear is taken care of 100%. “Many women who do not spontaneously do this screening are in a precarious situation, which may explain this,” added Anne-Sophie Banaszuk. It can be practiced by a general practitioner, a gynecologist or a midwife.

Another observation: HPV (human papillomavirus), the main cause of cervical cancer, is circulating more today. Also, specialists expect an increase in the number of lesions and, consequently, in the risk of cancer. It is therefore even more appropriate vaccinate children. In young girls, two injections should take place between 11 and 14 years of age, and three injections between 14 and 19 years of age. This must be supplemented by screening at 25 years of age.

Another novelty, this vaccination will soon be extended to young boys from 11 years old. The virus is spread, for example, through sexual intercourse. Vaccination will be reimbursed from May-June next.

In Mayenne, 54.4% of women spontaneously participate in screening (compliance with the three-year time limit between each smear). 25% of young girls have been vaccinated against HPV: the goal is to reach 60%.

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