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Cervical Cancer: Risk Factors, Symptoms, and Prevention Methods

Cervical cancer is the seventh most common cancer among women in Hong Kong. According to the Hong Kong Cancer Registry, a total of 556 new cases were recorded in 2020. Generally speaking, women over the age of 30 have a higher risk of developing cervical cancer, and the median age of cervical cancer diagnosis in Hong Kong is about 55 years old.

Cervical cancer high-risk group|7 types of people are at high risk
With regard to risk factors for cervical cancer, women have a higher chance of developing cervical cancer than others if they:

Infection with Human Papillomavirus (HPV) virus types 16 and 18
Early sexual initiation, excessive sexual activity, or multiple sexual partners
have been infected with sexually transmitted diseases
Long-term use of oral contraceptives for 5 years or more
Have given birth 3 or more times, and the first pregnancy was younger
Low immunity, such as chronic kidney disease, AIDS, etc.
have a smoking habit
Cervical cancer symptoms|Back pain and swollen feet be careful
Also, a common symptom of cervical cancer is abnormal vaginal bleeding: between periods, during or after sexual intercourse, and after menopause. Other symptoms include: foul-smelling vaginal discharge, pelvic pain, back pain, bleeding or painful urination, swollen feet, and general tiredness and weight loss. However, even if you have any of the above symptoms, it does not necessarily mean that you have cervical cancer. They may simply be features of some more common or benign conditions.

【Symptoms of Cervical Cancer】

Cervical Cancer Prevention|Cervical Cancer Screening
To prevent cervical cancer, in addition to vaccinating women against HPV before sexual intercourse, cervical screening is also an effective preventive method. Cervical examination, also known as Pap smear test, is a very simple screening method for cervical cancer. The entire procedure takes only a few minutes and is painless during the procedure.

During the examination, the medical staff will put a vaginal speculum commonly known as “duckbill” into the woman’s vagina to clearly observe the cervix located deep in the vagina, and then insert a small soft brush into the vagina to scrape A sample of cervical cells is tested.

【Cervical cancer risk factors】

Cervical cancer screening|Genital HPV virus latent 6 parts
Because cervical cells will mutate a few years before the formation of cervical cancer, doctors can find lesions in the Pap smear and arrange detailed examination or treatment for patients early to prevent the formation of cervical cancer. About 70% of cervical cancers are caused by HPV types 16 and 18.

The HPV virus in the genitals is mainly transmitted through sexual contact. The virus will lurk in the cervix, vagina, penis, anus, and even the mouth and throat. Generally, there are no symptoms and can be eliminated by the body’s own immunity. However, when the cells in the cervix are continuously invaded by the HPV virus, the cells may mutate, leading to Squamous Intraepithelial Lesion (SIL).

According to histopathological grading, Cervical Intraepithelial Neoplasia (CIN) is divided into three stages, which are divided by how thick the cervical epithelium is and whether there are abnormal cells. If the patient reaches the third stage and has not received appropriate treatment, then There is a risk of developing cervical cancer.

Cervical Cancer Screening|Pap Smear/HPV Test
Pap smears can now be performed at the same time as HPV testing. The pooled HPV test is for women 30 years of age or older who have been sexually active. The results and recommendations of the combined testing are as follows:

Women can also choose to only have a Pap smear test, which is suitable for women aged 25 to 64 who have had sexual experience. At the beginning, women should have a Pap smear test once a year. If the test is normal for two consecutive years, it can be reduced to once every three years.

Other ways to prevent cervical cancer
Scientific data have proven that regular cervical screening is an effective way to prevent cervical cancer. In addition to regular screening, women can take the following preventive measures to reduce the risk of HPV infection and cervical cancer:

Get the HPV vaccine if you haven’t had sex
Adopt safe sex behaviors (such as using condoms and avoiding multiple sexual partners, etc.) to reduce the chance of contracting HPV and other STDs
avoid smoking
Written by: Huang Qiwen, Senior Lecturer and Registered Medical Laboratory Technologist, Faculty of Science and Technology, Hong Kong Metropolitan University

Further reading: Cervical cancer prevention methods
According to the Department of Health, cervical cancer is the top ten cancers among women in Hong Kong. Regular cervical screening, early detection and treatment of early cervical precancerous lesions can effectively prevent cervical cancer. In addition, the Department also lists 3 prevention methods:

Further reading: 12 kinds of anti-cancer foods to prevent common cancers of gastric cancer and bowel cancer
Nutritionist Cheng Hanyu once listed 12 foods that can help prevent common cancers such as colon cancer, breast cancer, stomach cancer, and prostate cancer.


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2023-07-07 21:30:40

#Cervical #cancerBack #pain #swollen #feet #symptoms #cervical #cancer #types #people #high #risk #Viruses #lurk #parts #throat

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