Home » Health » Cervical Cancer Eradication in Romania: Prevention through Vaccination and Screening

Cervical Cancer Eradication in Romania: Prevention through Vaccination and Screening

Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Peltecu, obstetrics-gynecology primary physician at Filantropia Hospital in Capital, draws attention to the fact that one of the public health problems in Romania is cervical cancer, but this disease may disappear in the future thanks to vaccination. Both girls and boys should get the HPV vaccine.

“Cervical cancer is a public health problem, it is one of the major public health problems in Romania. If in Western European countries, developed countries, this problem does not exist, thanks to the development of a screening system, that is, of early detection and currently of vaccination, cervical cancer is a problem on the way to eradication. With the discovery of the cause, which is the papilloma virus, and with the discovery of the vaccine, the problem is waiting to be solved definitively. Cervical cancer will disappear in the future, thanks to prevention through vaccination and also thanks to a screening that detects early forms of the disease so that it can be treated in a limited or conservative manner”, said doctor Gheorghe Peltecu, on Thursday evening, on Medika TV.

A vaccination program against cervical cancer is to be implemented in Romania.

“In Romania, we are currently on the way to implementing a national screening program and a national vaccination program. I say on the path of implementation because there are successful models applied in the world that just need to be taken over and very little adapted to Romania’s situation. No other methods should be invented. (…) Screening is a policy that has clear rules and that give results when they are applied according to all the rules”, explained the doctor.

When asked how the HPV virus is transmitted, Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Peltecu stated that it is transmitted sexually.

“Education is the essential part because this policy presupposes the participation of the target population in the detection program and the vaccination program. A population that does not have the necessary medical education will not participate, and the screening or vaccination will not be successful. For a long time, the cause of cervical cancer was not known, and during this period, the detection must be done at an early stage to allow a treatment as limited as possible for young women who were developing, which would preserve their procreative capacity. Late detection leads to the extirpation of the uterus and the transformation of the woman into a person who could not fulfill her purpose in life. In the years 76-80 it was discovered that a series of strains of the papilloma virus are involved in the genesis of some genital cancers, and later it was discovered that the cause of cervical cancer is actually carcinogenic strains of the HPV family. From this discovery to the creation of the vaccine, a short period of time passed. It is known today that cervical cancer is an infectious, sexually transmitted disease.

With the discovery of the vaccine, it is possible to prevent it by mass vaccinating children, boys and girls, before the start of sexual life. Vaccination has maximum efficiency, one hundred percent”, said Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Peltecu.

Gheorghe Peltecu also explained how this vaccine is made.

“It must be stated that the vaccination of people who have not come into contact with the HPV virus. this means before the onset of sexual life (…) vaccination is recommended for ages between 11 and 12, boys and girls equally (…) Vaccination is recommended to be done with two doses of vaccine (…) After the age of 14, i.e. from 15, vaccinated persons must receive 3 doses”, emphasized Prof. Dr. Gheorghe Peltecu.

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2023-09-21 19:01:00
#Gynecologist #Cervical #cancer #public #health #problem #Romania #disease #disappear #future #vaccination #prevention

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