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Cervical Cancer: 11 Characteristics, Causes, and Risk Factors


Cervical cancer is a cancer with the highest number of sufferers in Indonesia. There are a number of symptoms or characteristics of cervical cancer that women should be aware of.

Get to know the 11 characteristics of cervical cancer in this article, from the early stages to the advanced stages. In addition, also know the causes and risk factors.

Cervical Cancer characteristics

Reporting from the cancer.gov website, there are various symptoms or characteristics of cervical cancer to watch out for. If it is still in its early stages, the characteristics of cervical cancer include:

Experiencing vaginal discharge that is watery and smells strong or contains blood. Bleeding after vaginal intercourse. Experiencing vaginal bleeding after menopause. Experiencing vaginal bleeding between menstrual periods or having periods that are heavier or longer than usual. Pelvic pain or pain during sex .

If you have entered an advanced stage of cervical cancer, which has spread beyond the cervix to other parts of the body, the characteristics include:

Difficult or painful bowel movements (BAB) or bleeding from the rectum during bowel movements Difficult or painful urination or blood in the urine Low back pain that is not sharp Experiencing swelling of the legs Pain in the abdomen. Feel tired.

Causes of Cervical Cancer

Quoted from Medical News Today, the cause of cervical cancer is like cancer in general, which is caused by uncontrolled growth of abnormal cells. In a normal body, the cells in our body have a certain life span. When these cells die, the body can produce new cells to replace them.

However, in cells that are not normal, there are two main problems, namely they do not die and continue to divide so that they grow. When cells accumulate, they form a lump or tumor.

Risk Factors

The cause of the development of cancer cells is not known with certainty. But there are a number of factors that increase the risk of cervical cancer. You can prevent cervical cancer

However, several risk factors can increase your risk of developing cervical cancer. These factors include:

1. HPV Virus Infection

Human papillomavirus (HPV) is a virus that is transmitted through sexual contact. Of the more than 100 types of HPV, at least 13 can cause cervical cancer.

2. Free Sex

Free sex with the habit of changing partners or having active sexual intercourse from an early age increases the risk of exposure to HPV, making it more susceptible to cervical cancer.

3. Smoking

Smoking is an unhealthy habit that can increase the risk of cervical cancer and other types of cancer.

4. Low Immunity

People with low immunity, for example people with HIV/AIDS and people undergoing transplants, are more at risk of developing cervical cancer.

5. Take birth control pills

Long-term use of birth control pills can increase a woman’s risk of developing cervical cancer.

Exposure to STDs such as chlamydia, gonorrhea, and syphilis increases the risk of developing cervical cancer.

7. Socioeconomic Status

Although not a direct cause, people with lower socioeconomic status experience cervical cancer more.

Those were the 11 characteristics of cervical cancer from early to advanced stages that you must watch out for. Prevent cervical cancer by minimizing the risk factors.

Watch Video “Ministry of Health: Cervical Cancer in RI Nearly 40 Thousand Cases per Year”


2023-09-07 07:45:00
#Characteristics #Early #Advanced #Stages #Cervical #Cancer

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